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  1. R

    Turbo Vado 4 Chain Wear

    First chain 3200km, second 3000km. Not bad at all. Same km with my wifes Vado4. I think that If you use right gear on, you can get more km. Last service I got new casette too.
  2. R

    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Mission control shows how many times you have charged battery. I think that Specialized have other ways too to see what has happened.
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    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Last week local Specialized rep visited my LBS and he said that Specialized don't give any discount to me. I think that case is closed. Now I start to write finish fillarifoorumi and let finish bike owners know how sh.. t is warranty. Maybe next week we get new 604ah battery. I think that most...
  4. R

    Can a Vado 2.0 battery be upgraded?

    My wife has 504ah battery ( waiting 604ah) and I have 604ah battery. When wife get her new battery I adjust her bike's Eco power 10% more than my bike's Eco power. So our betteries consumption are near egual. If you can do same with your bike, that is one possibility to have same km with bikes.
  5. R

    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Anyway, also good things happens. My incurace company has promised to cover 849€ for my battery. But, spessu has shown their attitude to their bs battery. Hope that this new will be good guality. 😎
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    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    I am mechanical wood engineer. If I try to solve any electrical issues, it will be disaster. But anyway, bikes are very fine and I have to think that it is only money what I have lost. My LBS is exellent, no any bad words againts them.
  7. R

    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    It dont work. It doesn't give power to bike. LBS has checked and tested and has same result. It is full charged etc, but nothing happens. Now wife use dealer's battery. Next month we get new 604ah battery. As I have said, it costed me 999€.
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    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    I charge always so that battery and charge show green. So that can't be reason for broken batteries.
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    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    No. Bikes are always in carage + 22 and I charges them in kitchen. Never use until end. My wife say that I am too careful with batteries but that's what I am. Fx I clean bikes after every drive... I am engineer, maybe You understand...
  10. R

    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Yes, both bikes are from same LBS, which is very good and trustable dealer. They have borroved me during both cases spare battery. So we have no situation that we can't use bikes. No I have to say, like one man said: It is what it is.
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    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Ok. I understand warranty rule. But for me is only important that after 56 charges battery is broken. Is It monday piece of sh.. or what? Anyway, customer pays and spessu is satisfied, they got one battery away from their storage. Hope that this new one is 100% good guality and not any bs.
  12. R

    Vado4 battery broken after 56 charges, no warranty

    Greetings from Finland., Europe. We have two Vado4 bikes, which are very fine. Last summeri my battery was broken after 5000km and about 60 charges. I got new battery as warranty ( cost 180€, 504ah - > 604ah). That was fair and ok. This spring my wife's bike's battery went broken again after...