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  1. Ken Shopken

    TSDZ8 Eight Version Motor

    Sounds like the package will support 36-70v, 500-1000w, with the next case design coming with cooling fins. There is talk of making the software open source. I am going to buy the next version.
  2. Ken Shopken

    TSDZ8 Eight Version Motor

    I only shared the video.. not the creator of it. As far as noise goes- low noise seems to be one of its strong suits. Check out 6:17 of this video for a brief explanation on sound output;
  3. Ken Shopken

    Rearview Safety Options For Ebikes

    My motorcycling years have accustomed me to their use so I dont mind it at all. If on a nice pedal road bike.. it would be an issue for me though. I will look into the radar device. It would be very useful on my duel sport motorcycles where I spend a lot of time standing and need to know...
  4. Ken Shopken

    Large duel sport mirror test

    I seem to be a collection of many of these sorts of automated errors... too many years of repetition of the errors I guess. The mirrors will just have to duke it out or look menacing upon other mirrors if mounted solo..😆
  5. Ken Shopken

    Finding a few sub $500 downhill bikes to convert and learn from.

    Howdy I have been reading and learning about different conversions and have decided to buy a few sub $500 downhill and fat bikes to practice and experiment upon before building a "nice" bike to own and ride. Who on this forum has already done this? Do you have a few tips? I am looking at...
  6. Ken Shopken

    Rearview Safety Options For Ebikes

    I have used these little mirrors for years on bikes. As a direct comparison test, I rode with both mirrors. This motorcycle duel sport mirror is SO real world superior! The little mirror requires a direct and purposeful look in its direction and a moment to orientate your view from the...
  7. Ken Shopken

    Large duel sport mirror test

    They seem like a good idea to increase road safety, and they will last.
  8. Ken Shopken

    Large duel sport mirror test

    The origionals:
  9. Ken Shopken

    Large duel sport mirror test

    I recently installed one of these duel sport motorcycle mirrors as a test of functionality. These style of mirrors are very popular with the duel sport motorcycle crowd that like the functionality and durability of "taking a hit" or of being easily folded down while on rough terrain or...
  10. Ken Shopken

    TSDZ8 Eight Version Motor

  11. Ken Shopken

    TSDZ8 Eight Version Motor

    I have been checking this out too. Tempted to pick one up and give it a try... that torque increase is appealing.