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  1. J

    Bosch Gen 4 Performance Line CX Issue:

    Hi, BlackHand Thanks for your reply. There does not seem to be any pattern towards it cutting out I have looked at a few options I thought at first it may be when I take the bike to the assistance limit (which is 16.4mph here in the UK) It happens on a smooth tarmac road It seems to be on the...
  2. J

    Bosch Gen 4 Performance Line CX Issue:

    Hi, My 2020 Trek Powerfly 5 Ebike has started to turn itself off while riding Has anyone had a similar issue and how did you manage to rectify the issue
  3. J

    Trek Powerfly 5 won't turn on after charging the battery away from the bike

    Hi DANQUISH, many thanks for the tip I will look for the "Power Button" and try this if it happens again It seems to be OK for now though Kind Regards
  4. J

    Trek Powerfly 5 won't turn on after charging the battery away from the bike

    Hi Atilio Yes the battery was completely dead Although it was charging fine and when showing 5 green lights (battery fully charged) it powered down It did not power up the bike nor would it charge So I took the bike & charger back to the shop and they did the checks and replaced the battery It...
  5. J

    Trek Powerfly 5 won't turn on after charging the battery away from the bike

    Hi, All, Just an up-date on the above I have spoken to my bike supplier "Team Cycles, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, UK And they have asked me to bring the bike back so they can investigate the issue I took it straight back and they tried another battery, which worked fine So they have...
  6. J

    Trek Powerfly 5 won't turn on after charging the battery away from the bike

    Hi, I have the same problem with my Trek Powerfly 5 I have only had the bike for 5 days I have taken the battery off the bike to charge at least 3 times this week with no issues I took it off last night to top it up and when I replaced it to go for a ride this morning it would not power up There...