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  1. dollarbin

    Mission Control glitch

    Looking back, I see evidence of this behavior going back to the beginning of February. Version 3.10.0 for iOS came out January 31st so I assume this bug started with that update. It's not consistent so the app might appear to work correctly some of the time. I'm not sure--I don't usually look a...
  2. dollarbin

    Mission Control glitch

    I think this is an issue with the Mission Control app. I've noticed starting sometime between February 8th and Feb. 10th, it's falsely recording the battery at 100% in the .fit file all of the time except when the value changes. The display on the bike is reporting the current battery...
  3. dollarbin

    ABUS frame locks for Vado/Como have arrived (and they fit/work!)

    Is the 4750X compatible with an accessory chain? I can't tell from any of the photos, drawings or listings.
  4. dollarbin

    Turbo Vado power vs Vado SL power

    I have been uploading the .fit files into MATLAB. Mission Control records a number of interesting parameters, including rider power and motor power. Plotting those two against each other illustrate how the Support % and Peak Power % numbers work. The lines are just eyeball estimates for the...
  5. dollarbin

    Creo "Wheel Circumference" setting

    I've been wondering about this. I noted the set wheel circumference several times over the lifetime of my bike and I've noticed that it's been changed. When I purchased my 2020 Vado 5.0 in 2019 the wheel circumference was set to 86.22 inches (2.19 m), then at some point in late 2020 it was...
  6. dollarbin

    Specialized Turbo VADO battery failure

    I wish this didn't come up so often. Maybe the mods can make a brief post about this a sticky at the top of the forum.
  7. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Hi newts, I'm so sorry that you joined the group of us who learned this lesson the hard way--I sometime wonder if we should bump this thread occasionally to prevent others from making the same mistake. I guess the positive side is that you were able to get the battery replaced under warranty. I...
  8. dollarbin

    Vado 5.0 Fender Mount Bolt Replacement

    Quick follow-up. One of the techs at Mike's Bikes in Palo Alto was able to scrounge up the missing part and put it on. It may or may not be something they can order but they happened to have most of a fender mount kit kicking around so I was back on the streets in minutes. While it wasn't...
  9. dollarbin

    Vado 5.0 Fender Mount Bolt Replacement

    Thanks, once again I can count on this forum for sage advice. I will try the bike store first in case they will cover it on warranty and if not I'm off to the hardware store. If anyone happens to know the exact screw size for this mount, that would be extraordinarily helpful.
  10. dollarbin

    Vado 5.0 Fender Mount Bolt Replacement

    The bolt that secures the rear fender to the back of the bottom bracket has fallen out on my 2020 Vado 5.0. The biggest issue is just the noise of the fender banging back and forth between the chainstays on rough terrain, and I'm also concerned that the wire to the rear light might be damaged...
  11. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Quick follow-up post. I brought the battery into my local authorized Specialized retailer. Apparently they had just replaced another battery for another customer for the exact same issue. As expected, Specialized declined to cover the repair under warranty. The worst aspect is that it took...
  12. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    The magnetic cover is very well designed and pops back into place with almost no effort, which makes me even madder with myself that I hadn't done it. That's the main purpose of this thread, to remind those of us with this generation Vado and Como to always protect the plug or face the...
  13. dollarbin

    Known Issues & Problems with Specialized Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Vado and Como (and possibly other models): The leads in the charging receptacle are live. If you accidentally put something conductive in there, say for example a key, you will short the battery and damage the electronics. The battery will still hold a charge, but it will be unable to recharge...
  14. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Absolutely. I'm doing a little more research on the topic, I will summarize it there.
  15. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Yeah, I'm going to edit the word potentially from title of this thread: "An easy and potentially expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related"
  16. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Oh I still have the cap, I just forgot to put it back in place after unplugging the bike.
  17. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Looks like I'm far from the first person on this forum that this has happened to:
  18. dollarbin

    An easy and expensive mistake: Vado Battery Related

    Yesterday I was trying to insert my key into the battery lock on the bike (green arrow), and in my haste to get on the road I accidentally briefly put the key into the uncovered battery charging receptacle (red X). The metal key made a short across the two terminals and there was a pretty good...
  19. dollarbin

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Greetings from the Dumbarton Bridge (Menlo Park, CA) half way between home (Mountain View) and work (Newark)! Every day on the bike is its own reward.
  20. dollarbin

    eBike rental near Fremont, CA

    Thanks Angela! Pedego has very responsive customer service so far, and a location in Menlo Park in addition to San Ramon & Livermore. Zoomo might be worth a trip up to the City for as well.