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  1. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    They are my bike of interest now. Thanks so much for the lead. But, I'm also considering getting a recumbent. My back is shot. Did the longest bike ride I've ever done, yesterday. Really hurt...
  2. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    I also need class 2. The best part about e-biking in a city is when they allow them on park trails as they do in Phoenix. I don't want to just peddle, so class 1 won't work for me. The power bandwidth of my present rear hub from 0 to 20 mph is pretty effective. I worry that shifting might take...
  3. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Wonder why Sparkbikes would go out of business an then Rize appears and appears to be connected. I like the Rize a lot. But they have to stay in business or you are screwed. For electric vehicles to be viable, at some point there has to be a standard battery that you could exchange at charging...
  4. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    I will get two batteries for any bike I might buy. I need the range. If I ride in the mountains I also have to have more low end. Frequently I get part of the way up a small but steep incline and I stall. My bike is loaded with supplies and water. I even carry an ultra-light foldable chair since...
  5. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Actually, that's the brand I was referring to in my "last" message. In fact I just looked and it you who wrote about it. Thank you very much! It looks very good to me. I would still like a 52 volt battery. Seems like it would cause there to be more low end.
  6. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Last message on this thread. I'm researching bikes because I'm going to purchase one. I'm looking at a few brands and I am going to ask about the negative things I've discovered and heard about the brands I'm considering. This thread has been very valuable to me. I learned of a new brand in this...
  7. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Because of your last sentence, I rescind my offer to send you the email. I'll produce it if ever I have to go to court. No need to be nasty. Not trying to hurt this company. I just used this forum to find out if there was any good reason for the high price. Could be that much technically...
  8. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Sonders charges just under $300 for their fender/rear rack package. Divided that's $150 each for a rear rack and fenders. That's a real high price. I use pricing issues like this and with the Juiced batteries to judge the long term intention of a company. If a company does most things fairly for...
  9. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    I don't know the legalities of doing that. Don't want to get sued. If you send me your email I'll consider forwarding that email to you on your word that it goes no further. You show it to no one.
  10. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Look at the review here. They appear to use top line components.
  11. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    Gotcha, this is exactly the kind of info I've been looking for. I'm looking for a reason to accept such a high price. I think that in the end $1,299 will be just too much. Can you easily swap out 3rd party batteries with Juices bikes? That would certainly be (another) game changer. Thank you for...
  12. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    I've compared a lot of battery prices after destroying mine. The juiced big battery used to be 21 Ah and cost $899. I only recently noticed the power reduction (19.2 Ah) and price ($1299) increase. You can say that a replacement battery is a an accessory right up to the point yours is either...
  13. mjorg

    Battery Cost: $1,299

    I was absolutely going to buy a juiced bike. Then I dropped one of the batteries for my present bike and had to replace it (cost $399). I would be buying Juiced to get the big battery so I wouldn't have to carry a second. So, after this event I wanted to see how much a Juiced battery would cost...
  14. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    I think the worst case scenario will be having to buy another computer that is sealed by the manufacturer. But don't you know they'll up the price on them.
  15. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    The Nm rating on the class 3 bikes I'm looking at are higher than on class 2 bikes.
  16. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    Last year Arizona passed a law that ebikes must be labeled by the Manufacturer as to what class they are. That seems a big step toward their being able to enforce laws. I'd hate to buy something I might not be able to use next year as they come online with this kind of legislation. Most trails...
  17. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    You know, I've never thought about a test drive of one of these bikes at a local dealer. I have a rear hub drive fixation. That's a really, really good idea. Thanks!
  18. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    I have a very bad back. Throttle is a welcome relief at times. BUT, I do like everything Yamaha makes. Even though their battery and motor output are less. I'll bet those master engineers design some very capable bikes. I've thought about them a few times. I'm thinking I have about 50 NM of...
  19. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    In the future they are going to have to lock and seal bike computers to assure they stay at whatever class a bike is designated to be. My bike was bought as class 2, but it is now class 3 because it will go over 20 mph after my adjustment. I know I should change it back to avoid trouble. But...
  20. mjorg

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    AHicks: The electric bike I have now was sold to me as class 2. I looked at the manual and learned how to program it. Now my bike has a top speed of 24 mph. When I first did it I got 25 mph out of it. But it's getting old. I'm pretty sure most bikes up until very recent times could be altered...