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  1. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Yes and cheap battery indicator that won't tell you anything Skull tires that makes the fat bike look even cooler, not And, were we to believe wattage; you would not want anything more than 350 {perhaps 500} watts on the front fork (or 1000w on the back fork without a strong frame or torque...
  2. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    That is very interesting; thanks. I wonder if they are aware of the $500,000 lawsuit, and prior judgement? And the fat bike crowd-funders are multiplying like rabbits; from an existing import company with 100...
  3. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    With the blue bike, I don't know why he would be making changes to the frame design. The real advantage of using a Chinese manufacturer is that they have all the designs, jigs, and tooling ready-made for bikes that they already produce. Why would you want to design custom tooling and jigs...
  4. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I would agree, You want to be in a position where you have asked for a refund even if you have a documented refusal both with Storm and IGG. Ask for a refund from your credit card company as well. Indigogo may have some problems hiding behind its disclaimer. As mentioned, the terms and...
  5. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Red, I was interested in ebikes long before Sondors came along, when I saw some of the outrageous claims in the Sondors campaign I asked questions through channels, when they remained unanswered through the press. I pointed Yahoo in the direction of Court at EBR in fact. Sondors did not...
  6. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I said it would cost between $20,000 and $40,000 to buy insurance; the actual quote I got for my business plan was a fixed amount or 4.5% of gross sales which-ever was greater from an expert carrier in this field. At $599 5% would be $30 a unit at $1000 it would be $50, at scale and using an...
  7. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I just took a screen print of an email response to my question, a prominent member of the press was copied both with the question and the response. I am quite sure that Rad has product liability insurance, I don't know how much, it could be $1 million (or it could be greater as in $5m for BC...
  8. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    And Rad Power, as a legitimate going concern, responds to a question that Storm refuses to answer regarding "product liability insurance;" Actually, and unlike Sondors, they respond to any legitimate questions; and do so in a professional, accurate, and complete way as to address the...
  9. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Product liability insurance, would work out to about $30 a bike for RR, testing costs decline drastically per unit sold. Sondors miscalculated his margins knowing nothing about the product, there is no provision to pay the advertising fees he agreed to, let alone product liability insurance, or...
  10. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I think the RR bike is better than "Big Cat Fat Bike" (and they have $5 million dollars in product liability insurance), the companies are doing the same type of thing. RR and Big Cat have similar a business approach. It costs BC about the same 10% that it costs RR to market the bike to the...
  11. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I listed twenty three objective points about the Rad-Rover; to include five negative points. These points apply to Sondors equally as well as they apply to Rad Rover. We have to assume bikes will be delivered; Rad scores 18/23 to these elements of completeness - 78% or a C Storm scores...
  12. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The Rad Rover looks 100% better from a business and technical perspective., as a bike and as a campaign; the only question I would have relates to product liability insurance. (it is still a basic bike). Here are some key elements missing from Sondors; -- we have a full time customer support...
  13. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Seems like he is a well qualified fellow; but I doubt any issues and concerns with the business plan can be addressed at this time. Also, he does not seem to have any managerial control over the PR since he has allowed the lunatics to run the asylum. I think he is a guy trying to make money as...
  14. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Early on, and against my own interests, I actually offered to have a conference call with Agency 2.0 and Sondors to address issues and concerns with their business plan, in a constructive fashion, on a confidential basis, and under non disclosure. I did so because I was of the impression that...
  15. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The pic I posted was HOT off twitter, even if it was an old pic.. If you want to have some fun, attached find more posts from stuttering Sondorites discussing their "strategy to defeat critical thinking."
  16. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    I think we are at the point where the campaign is not being managed, as there is nobody being paid enough to, interested in, or capable of managing it! In an emotional fit of rationalization and denial, the lunatics "think they are doing a service by taking over the insane asylum." Its a...
  17. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The 'win' rate on an IGG campaign is near 100% as; IGG makes money near 100% of the time, or 99% of the time since on a rare recent occasion they just canceled a "too good to be true" campaign most likely in reaction to the blow-back they are getting on the Storm campaign. We are learning how...
  18. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    The only talent Sondors has is "to experience the effect of an errant (and then retracted) Yahoo Technology article that went viral and fed on the ignorant;" thanks to an unscrupulous but effective Advertising Agency A2.0; Sondors then decided not to pay A2.0 as is his general modus operandi as...
  19. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    You are trying to communicate on assets owned by IGG, it was clear to me that IGG considers the fund-raiser to be their customer. It is also clear that the IGG puts the consumer (the party providing all the money to them) at a total disadvantage by design, as it unfairly reaps riskless revenue...
  20. FTC Complaint

    Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

    Yep... That is what the Toyjobs fraud judgement speaks to; as reinforced by the A2.0 lawsuit against Sondors for fraud-non-payment; and you have proof that I Storm Sondors is "Judgement Proof." Here is a good video that explains it...