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  1. L

    Unstable tight turns with R&M Supercharger?

    I've been riding my supercharger for about a month now. My usual route is pretty wide open so I probably don't go thru as many tight spots but for what it's worth I've never felt like I was in any danger of going down.
  2. L

    Hello from Washington State

    What a small world. When I was a kid in the early 1970s we used to go stay with family friends at their Marrowstone Island cabin. Amazing place - I seem to remember old army forts. Congrats on the new bike!
  3. L

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Red Rock Canyon (the not very red part!)
  4. L

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    And while we're at it why should insurance companies have to pay for obese people when a large percentage of them could just eat less and exercise more. Obesity costs insurance companies far than any bicycle accidents and I don't want to pay for their stupidity through higher premiums. /s
  5. L

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    It should be personal choice. We already have far too many nanny laws. and yes I wear a helmet even though it is not required by law in my state.
  6. L

    The four best words..

    Got the call my Supercharger has arrived. I'm traveling all next week and I should get it when I return. I'm trying not to get too excited!
  7. L

    Supercharger Rohloff HS vs Delite Nuvinci HS

    I also have a Supercharger nuvinci HS ordered for delivery in late August. I like the ease of use of the nuvinci. It will be perfect for my commute and planned weekend usage. I still find the whole hub and belt setup to be amazing.