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  1. Cnugget

    Pedal Assist VS All Electric?

    Townie does not have throttle.. so you would still need to pedal it. That being said, you can pedal lightly and still go uphill rapidly without a ton of effort. I loved the townie when I tried it out for it's relaxed ride, easy handling(step-thru) & operation(hardly noticeable) and it's very...
  2. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    I think it display's watts as P for how much power the motor is/can be(ing) put out? It cycles between 0-500/600 ish. It's more zippy on the first half-ish of the battery in general. The PAS is currently set from 0-9 (though default is 1-9 you also have options for 0-5 & 0-3). In level 0 PAS...
  3. Cnugget

    Cheers from Toronto Canada

    Just wondering if this is something a electric bike owner should know? I have no clue what this would be but would like to know what it is...
  4. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    Setting the tire size to 22" most closely matches my GPS distance. Just over 400km logged in just under 2 weeks. Still happy. :D Seems like a similar frame style can be found on-line through Alibaba though the neck locking system does not seem to be as secure as Volt Bikes. I've also found a...
  5. Cnugget

    Cheers from Toronto Canada

    Hopefully you've been in touch with someone about your experience & fix. Been knocking on some email doors? You know what they say about the squeaky wheel. Much luck in your fix, may it be quick so you can get back to the joy's of riding. I have yet to dunk mine but I would be sorrowly if it...
  6. Cnugget

    New member

    Ohh did you say fat bike? Did you post these already? Where where where? :)
  7. Cnugget

    Cheers from Toronto Canada

    whookie groan.. :eek: Hope things will be up and running soon for ya. Yikes. was it a big down pour?? Hopefully they are some what water resistant.
  8. Cnugget

    just bought a KTM Bosch cx ..super happy!

    Those videos seem to have that effect.:) Dido here but couldn't resist the nice weather for biking and pulled the trigger sooner than later. Bike video bing watching. haha Congrats on the purchase!!
  9. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    I was able to make one of my wishes come true after reading through the panel manual. There does appear to be a few extra's not included in this manual though. Hoping to decipher some of the added features. Double click on the Power Button...
  10. Cnugget

    Hello from "What's an electric bike?"

    I woke and realized I know nothing about bikes or changing tires. Ak:eek:
  11. Cnugget

    Forum Updates and Feedback

    Hello still learning the ropes here. Just a thought or two on the Introduce Yourself. Maybe it could be a getting started/new round here/ develop type idea or... a where can I find this info?... A place for the .. uhh obvious questions to be answered maybe? Forums can a be a huge resource for...
  12. Cnugget

    Hello from Everywhere! Friends and Visits?

    Me an my bow live in North Van. We are new ebikers and both starting to use them to commute. Stop by any time for n' some cheer. We have a couch & humble abode but it tis a loverly place for ebiking.
  13. Cnugget

    New central Texas member

    Hello. Curious would love to see some pics. Welcome :)
  14. Cnugget

    Third ride to work report

    Heyoo.. Just thought I would say, I just completed my 4th ride to work today (I am sure you are on many more). Hope you are having fun fellow ebike commuter. :)
  15. Cnugget

    em street display not accurate for mileage?

    I just realized I was taking my display at par. Going to have to check that it is computing the miles right. Ak!
  16. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    Max speed on the Volt Mariner to date: ~28 & 29 km per hour before the engine cuts out. Max range on a single charge to date: 50km (less hilly terrain while being frugal.. aka not assist level 9/9) Hill: 180lbs up almost 900 meters in 45mins up a 7% paved mountain. Passed over a dozen road...
  17. Cnugget

    Volt Bike Mariner 2016: So far so happy! Observations as they happen.

    I just picked up my Mariner direct from the warehouse less than a week ago now (Aug 11 2016). George was great and let me give the bike a try. I have to say it's soo much fun but perhaps I'm still gushing over electric bikes in general(discovered they existed less than a month ago). The bike...
  18. Cnugget

    Hello from "What's an electric bike?"

    Hey thanks everyone for the welcome. Managed to days to two this week. Any day on the bike so far has been so much better than my car. But, the weather has been spectacular soo.. not sure what will happen when it gets dark and cold. brrrr. Cheers!
  19. Cnugget

    Wow. Trek Just Ups Their E-Bike Game With 5 New Models.

    Whaaaa?? I was just looking at Trek even. Just bought. Doh! Hmm.. Can you attach the link to this snap shot? Can't seem to find that page you are referencing. Awesome though!
  20. Cnugget

    Hello from "What's an electric bike?"

    I learned of electric bikes about a month ago. Before then I was in the clouds. Just purchased a Volt Mariner August 2016 6th. It folds & fits in my car! It has fat tires! It's a head turner. I have been long dreaming of commuting by bike but live in hilly North Vancouver BC... (all the regular...