Recent content by scouter

  1. scouter

    Trouble opening a motor

    HEY it worked!! (if by push you meant violently slam) thank you! i'll change that little pcb now
  2. scouter

    Trouble opening a motor

    My ebike is working right now, i just placed different motor i found on it while i'm repairing this one. pushing?! i didn't think about that, i'll try it.
  3. scouter

    Trouble opening a motor

    well i looked around a lot and i couldn't find a guide or anything on how to open a daymak hub motor :( there are electric scooter forums?
  4. scouter

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    I love riding! here's some of my fav pictures.
  5. scouter

    One of dual batteries not working.

    Maybe something else other than the switch broke in your battery when it fell off your bike. i think you should give it to a e-bike shop for repair, or if its still in warranty replace it. opening it yourself could be risky for you. (i think) ((i'm not a certified electrician))
  6. scouter

    Trouble opening a motor

    Hello everyone! I own some really old Daymak Vienna prototype and i damaged a hall sensor when changing the tires. <- motor tester, the 3 lights are supposed to blink in series I'm trying to open the cover of the motor to replace the hall sensor board but its really really firmly stuck! do i...