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    I have about a thousand miles on my first ebike, I got a cheaper model and it's been a hoot, but now I'm having to upgrade some of the drivetrain parts. If I'd known that I'd love it so much I would have sprung for a higher end model with a top quality derailleur. My fear of spending big bucks on a toy that would just gather dust in the garage kept me on a tight budget.
    Seems like there are 2 segments to the market: 1) cheap, Chinese-made, Bafang powered bikes sold by direct-to-consumer brands started by some guy who just built a website & 2) expensive, European/Taiwan-made, Bosch/Yamaha/Shimano powered bikes sold an actual bike company with dealer/LBS support. The price diff can be huge - $1,800 for a Juiced CCS vs $5,200 for a Trek Super Commuter+ 8S.
    Don't want to commit that much money for my 1st ebike but I also don't want a piece of junk that will fall apart within the 1st year. I'm having a hard time trusting these direct-to-consumer companies bc they just seem like cheap, low-quality junk. But the expensive Treks, Haibikes & Stromers are too expensive for what you get (particularly the underpowered motors - don't ask me to spend $5k on a 250-watt motor).
    Researching 1st ebike purchase
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    Ryan, The point of the "expensive, under-powered motors" on the higher end Euro bikes is that they use a lower watt but higher torque motor as part of the crank assembly that takes advantage of the bike's gearing system giving superior hill climbing ability. They also give the rider much greater range than a crude, brute power hub-mounted motor. You get what you pay for.
    Hi Alaskan. Yes I understand that mid-drives take advantage of the drive train. But in a broader sense, I think the reason for so many low-powered bikes is bc the major motor brands want to sell in Europe, which has much tougher restrictions. Not being a European resident, I don't want a bike with a motor that's been designed to be operated in a much more restrictive region.
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