Recent content by Marc Webster

  1. M

    E-MTB riders in Los Angeles

    Thanks for this link. I had visited there before, but had not given the site as much time. Looks well done and I will join the group. The map could use a few updates for some of the OHV sites in my area and I may suggest them.
  2. M

    E-MTB riders in Los Angeles

    Hello All, I recently bought a Haibike E-MTB and looking for people to ride with. I'm in the Burbank area and mostly ride in the Mt Wilson and Areas around the SFV. Sadly it looks like most of the Mt Wilson area is off limits to E-bikes so looking for people who know local area trails that are...
  3. M

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Anyone ever have a problem with the dropper post? The metal tube portion near the lever pulled out and there is slack in the system and it wont work. I plan to look int o this tonight and see if I can see what the problem is and repair it.
  4. M

    Drop Seatpost Cable issue and Raising my bars?

    Hello All I have a 2017 Xduro All Mountain 7 (the yellow one) and finally had a chance to get a good ride in with some singletrack. I bought this second hand but the bike was essentially new with about 10 rides on it. LBS said less than 200 miles when they looked in the software when making the...
  5. M

    Bosch CX software update and chip mods- USA bikes?

    Ronald, The install video looks easy if you have a few special bike tools. $250 seems a bit high to me but if you dont have the tools than its sometimes easier ot just pay to get it done too.
  6. M

    Bike rack for Ebikes

    Hello Al, Thanks for the reply with info on the Saris racks. in regards to the roof rack, I have no intention of trying to lift a 50lb bike up onto a tall Subaru. My Plan B would be to use my roof rack accessories (bike rack try portion) ad mount them to an assembly I make that is 2" hitch...
  7. M

    Bike rack for Ebikes

    Hello All, I have 2 e-bikes I want to carry on a 2" hitch rack. One is 50lbs and the other is about 35lbs. However I may build another for my wife and hers is sure to be in the 45 to 50lb range. I will only ever need to carry 2 bikes at once. I was originaly looking at the Quick Rack...
  8. M

    Bosch CX software update and chip mods- USA bikes?

    Hello Ravi, I might be interested. I will probably do a bit of riding before without it to see if I need it. I built a commuter bike with a low powered hub motor and a commute is more where I need speed and the commuter is in the 30mph range and its perfect. with this module, if I ride in...
  9. M

    Bosch CX software update and chip mods- USA bikes?

    Hello All, I just bought a lightly used 2017 Xduro All Mountain 7 but it does not have the EMTB software mod yet. What is the procedure to get the mod done? LBS only or can I do it myself? Also been looking at chips to get more speed but for now going to leave it as is and ride it a bit to...
  10. M

    Considering the 2017 All Mountain 7 and possibly the 2017 Full 7

    I ended up buying a second had (nearly new) 2017 All Mountian 7 and will be picking it up today. Got it under 3K and figure its a good deal and a much better bike than I am as a rider as most of my riding for the last 20 years has been XC related and I hate climbing. This will get me th help...
  11. M

    Motobecane eBikes

    Im taking this advice. I figured I may be jumping a bit early on the ebike bandwaggon and there are sure to be more amazing bikes and motor systems to come out in the future so I may as well buy used for now. The owner of the Haibike All Mountain 7 has agreed to $2900 and its pretty much brand...
  12. M

    Motobecane eBikes

    Hey Limbojim, Thanks for the info on the Commencal. Being out of the MTB world for a while I was not familiar with this brand. When you first posted the info, I thought to my self how can that bike be better than the Motobecane with a single pivot and lower parts spec. Especially since I...
  13. M

    Motobecane eBikes

    If I end up with the motobecane I can design and 3D print a bash guard similar to those on the haibike. I have a large format 3D printer.
  14. M

    Motobecane eBikes

    Thanks for the reply Limbojim, I have only ever ridden my commuter with the motor off on purpose. Its not much different other than it feels like im not going fast enough for the effort. Its likely a non issue on the Emtn bike and will choose based on fit. Im leaving town for thanksgiving...
  15. M

    Motobecane eBikes

    Thanks Limbojim, I have ridden a BBS02 converted bike and while it did have a ton of speed and power it was not refined and easily controllable in singletrack as you mentioned. That is why when I converted my commuter I chose a small Q128 hubmotor from BMS. I wanted a bike under 40lbs that...