Recent content by GeoAZUSA

  1. G

    Creo power level on Garmin is rider only

    Stefan, yes, wheel circumference was auto when it would be off by 8% Today, using the manual wheel circumference of 2200 the ride was showing longer than it should by 1%. Previously, on AUTO wheel circumference it was 8% short. Adjusted to 2178 and second ride was exact down to hundredths of a...
  2. G

    Creo power level on Garmin is rider only

    Stefan Mikes Thank you for your reply and great idea! I put both a Specialized Creo SL and an Orbea Rise on a work stand and here are the results. Specialized Creo paired to Garmin Edge 1040: The speed and distance displayed on the 1040 is from the rear wheel. Power (watts) is available on the...
  3. G

    Turbo Vado Stuck Mastermind Battery Display

    Thx for these posts. My Creo mastermind tcu also went metric and stealth mode for no reason I can figure. Display was a dim battery bar. It took two trys turning off stealth mode and then reconnecting but it worked!
  4. G

    Creo power level on Garmin is rider only

    I don't want to hijack your thread but...........I am having an "interesting" issue with my Creo and Garmin Edge 1040, and it seems like there are some knowledgeable replies here re Garmin Creo integration, so please excuse me. I ride the same training loop quite often and have noticed the...
  5. G

    Creo and Garmin Edge 1040:Cadence shows 1 when should be zero

    Thx for the replies. Here is my issue. I have a loop ride that is 6 miles almost constant uphill, followed by 8 miles of almost constant downhill, then the last two again uphill. If the cadence would go to zero, then on the downhill my avg cadence for the ride wouldn't change (I have the Garmin...
  6. G

    Creo and Garmin Edge 1040:Cadence shows 1 when should be zero

    Riding my Creo, Garmin Edge 1040 shows a cadence of 1 when I am not pedaling. When I ride my Orbea, the cadence is correct. Orbea is Shimano Steps. Creo is what SRAM and ? I cannot find any adjustments on either the Creo or the Edge. (other than "do not count zero", which is engaged) Any ideas...
  7. G

    2022 Creo Evo remote buttons, the Mastermind TCU and Mission Control

    Hey, hey, hey! Have to give Specialized support a big thumbs up. When a chat session couldn't resolve this problem, someone from Engineering/programming called me. With a phone call, I learned how to make it work. Also the tech guy admitted they knew this (and some other info) was omitted from...
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    2022 Creo Evo remote buttons, the Mastermind TCU and Mission Control

    Bobf, It is unfortunate Specialized has this kind of tech without available documentation or education. When I asked my LBS how to change the default screen, their reply was "well, you can't." But, you can! And it's easy to do once explained. This is on an android phone. Open Mission Control...
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    2022 Creo Evo remote buttons, the Mastermind TCU and Mission Control

    My Creo came with the remote buttons installed. They work for changing power assist. My question is how do I use them to change the display screen on the TCU. I have Mission Control paired to the bike. And have set up Mission Control "change display" with the screens I want. I was able through...