Sondors mid-drive price increases


Active Member
Summertown, TN
Sondors has significantly increased prices on much of their eBike lineup. For example the MXS went from $1,799 to $2199... a $400 jump. While I didn't notate the prices of many of the bikes, the mid-drives prices changed as follows:

Cruiser was $2,299, now $2,899 ($600 increase)
LX was $2,299, now $2,899 ($600 increase)
Rockstar was $2899, now $3,399 ($500 increase)
Unfortunately Billmeek, for us this is the land we live in. Everything that we want and need went up, gas,food,etc.I guess they said F it raise the bike prices to. And I'm sure if you call them and ask they'll say manufacturing and port process went up too, so they had to raise the price
My guess is that the price increase is mostly higher shipping costs going from $1400 in June 2019 to $2600 in June 2020 to $6800 in June 2021. Last I heard, the price of a container load is now hovering near $20k.
I picked up my serial 1 before a similar price increase. Prices went up on average 10% across the board for their entire lineup. I just think this is the state of the industry and other industries in general, supply chains are constrained.

Economics 101 states, when demand outstrips supply, prices will rise.
Shipping and supply chain are the two biggies. What used to take 9-days to ship from Asia, now takes 29-days. Someone has to float the cash for 20-days. It also takes longer to make things and if one component is delayed the entire batch is delayed and needs to be stored until the missing bit arrives. Someone needs to pay for that also. As mentioned shipping costs more and components cost more.
I don’t have a Sondors. I purchased a electric cruiser back in Jan. Decided to purchase a 2nd bike, the same model but different color in May. The price had increased close to $500 in just 4 months. Definitely increased shipping costs and shipping times. Also parts substitutions due to availability. Could also be to increased demand. All of the bikes from this company are sold out…again.
I will be popping on some upgrades to one this week. It will get a stem riser, trigger shifter, longer and better suspension seat post, and an upgraded saddle. After the freewheel (which is made out of cheese) fails, it will get a better one that is nickel plated, a stronger eChain, and a smoother long cage derailleur. The trigger shifter is a good place to start. Why do they skimp and raise prices.


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If you're looking for a spare battery, you might want to buy it now. I confirmed with Sondors chat that the prices are going up. The current price is a very reasonable $389 for a Fold X/XS battery. I ordered one even though I won't have the bike for another couple of months.
I've been checking every few days and the battery for the mid-drives has always been "Sold out".
Sondors has significantly increased prices on much of their eBike lineup. For example the MXS went from $1,799 to $2199... a $400 jump. While I didn't notate the prices of many of the bikes, the mid-drives prices changed as follows:

Cruiser was $2,299, now $2,899 ($600 increase)
LX was $2,299, now $2,899 ($600 increase)
Rockstar was $2899, now $3,399 ($500 increase)
No increases with Trek ebikes that I’ve seen.
The sondors mid drives were gonna go up regardless. The lower prices were introductory prices for the new mid drives to reward the people for taking a chance on the new bikes, the rockstar was said to eventually top out around 3800-4000usd by summer 2022 and the other two mid drives were supposed to go up comparatively as well.
The difference is sondors doesn’t have the track record or history that Trek does. Most of what we have seen is a new company rough around the edges and lacking on transparency.
Most of what we have seen is a new company rough around the edges and lacking on transparency.
Agreed. They also are not great at keeping parts on hand. I've been trying to purchase a spare battery since placing my order for the LX and they are always out of stock.

On the other hand, Sondors prices for the mid-drives with the Ultra motor are very competitive.
The difference is sondors doesn’t have the track record or history that Trek does. Most of what we have seen is a new company rough around the edges and lacking on transparency.
Well of course they don’t have the history and track record, Trek has been in business for a long time, I had a trek mountain bike in the 90’s and it wasn’t much better than the off the shelf big box store crap from Walmart, so give sondors some time, they have only been in business since 2015
So, I got a call about 4 weeks ago. My 'shipped' Cruiser is completed, but awaiting a container. I guess when they said shipped before, they meant that it was boxed and left the factory floor. They said they have secured something like 6 of 18 containers (but don't quote me!) needed for the bikes that are built. They received 2 containers first week of August that they were told will be end of month, so they remain somewhat optimistic for it to ship earlier than mid to late October now quoted/committed. Of course, my Cruiser was not in those 2 received containers. Anyway, it was nice to actually get a call without me calling first. I do understand why they can't commit a date, but they really need to put that information in their Social Media.

My LX and my Cruiser are of the $1999 early order variety. I remember about a year ago, RockStar was $2499 for January 2021 delivery and $2599 for February.