How big a market for step through?

Step through relaxed frames have a real following. Flat foot, step through means even older riders can get their kicks. And it extends possibilities for those with leg issues.

The question is, which range of components? I'd vote for reliability and 25-28MPH max.
I just got a step through for my wife. Reason is she's still a learner and it's easier to bail out of a step through.
I bought a RM Homage GX Rohloff HS least fall, my wife bought a Pedego City Commuter Black Edition. We split our time between Kentucky and Arizona, our bikes stay in Ky.I am looking for another quality bike for our place in AZ. At my age and physical restraints I wanted a step through frame plus I wanted a full suspension, the RM Homage does have both. I ride motorcycles and I like my throttle that is on my wife’s Pedego, so I’m looking hard. I can’t justify spending the same amount of money I did on another Homage. I am holding out for quality components, a step through frame and a throttle. I can drop the full suspension and add a KINEKT seat post if I have to. A combination of all those would make the perfect setup. Only way it could be better is if there was a dealer nearby. Quality does comes with a cost.
This style battery placement seems to work well. Does not get in the way. Integrated into a down tube would help provide more balance to the bike. And look a lot better.
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I'm all in on step thru's. When you're of a certain age, and/or have other specific limitations, they make all the sense in the world. I predict we will see way more in the years ahead.
Everyone - I have been getting a LOT of requests lately for step-through frames. Literally 30-40% right now. When we started, we were doing may be 5% step throughs.

Are there any pointers / data for demand for step-through versus regular frame ?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

I hate em. Girl's bikes. neener neener neener 😱

Ask me again in ten years when I'm 80.
Make it a Transformer. :)

The removable cross bar can be an extra battery that transforms it from a step through to a diamond.
Hmm.. true.
1. Battery placement behind the seat tube is an option but it takes away the peppiness feel of the bike.
2. Battery placement on the rear rack is not ideal if its the only battery on the bike.
3. Having a better integrated battery upfront appears to be the best option.
4. In terms of integrted batteries, I saw the new Sondors design through.. it is 1100wh but ... umm... isnt it too bulky ?

1. Help us understand why this could be true.
2. Not ideal from a center of gravity (top heaviness) perspective either
3. But not on hanging on handlebars (same rationale as #2 above)
4. The Sondors bike looks cool, me likes batteries integrated into the frame.
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1. Help us understand why this could be true.
2. Not ideal from a center of gravity (top heaviness) perspective either
3. But on hanging on handlebars (same rationale as #2 above)
4. idk, haven't seen it.
1. Increases the chainstay length so makes it feel sluggish.
2. Agreed
3. Yeah.
4. I havent either - but just the picture up earlier.
A friend has the Dost Drop and it is one powerful bike, and heavy. I do like the Bafang mid drive 750 watt motor,
dual batteries (purchased separately), throttle on demand, Schwalbe super moto 2.4 tires, and a heavy duty rear rack, to name a few of their quality components. What I did notice and did not like was, when sitting on the bike and turning the handlebars back and forth is that the front end wobbles. My friend stated that all step through‘s do that because they don’t have a cross bar for stability, but when riding it, that doesn’t happen. I believe that because both batteries are sitting on the down tube, the heavy weight perhaps causes this to happen. I had taken a very short ride and didn’t notice a wobble. Any thoughts or ideas?
I just noticed this thread, and thought I would weigh in. When I researched and went looking for an e-bike (at age 65 and having been inactive biking for a number of years), a step-through frame was at the top of my list of must-haves. I have a 28” inseam, coincidentally less than the height of a 29” or 700mm tire, so throwing a leg over the top (including the trunk bag I always have installed) would require some high-jumping practice. It makes sense to me with full-size bikes trending more towards taller wheels, that there would be a correlating interest in ST.
I ride my Trek Verve + 3 at least as much off-road as I do on, so I have made changes to it accordingly:
• Redshift Seat post and stem (the sprung seat post that came with the bike was minimally effective and front suspension is not offered).
• Wider ratio cassette, to 11-46 (from 11-36) for better off-road hill climbing, and removed chain guard for quicker access.
• Change from Bontrager commuter tires (soon) to Schwalbe Marathon GT 365 for better all-season/off-road traction.
• More open, knobby pedals.
I regularly ride the bike at 30 km speed, and off-road in the 20’s and have not noticed frame flex to be an issue at all. The battery is in the down-tube at the front. Trek has made provision to add a second battery on top of that tube, but I wouldn’t mount one there. I have removed first a water bottle cage and then a folding lock from that location, as they were just something to hit my knee on when mounting/dismounting. I like the step-through to be as low and open as possible; one of the reasons I didn’t consider a frame like the Allant Stagger or even the Allant step-through.
If I lived in a hilly area, I would have looked for a model with more power (optional?), but it is pretty flat where I live. And I enjoy the added range and a good workout.

My take on this........whenever a review of a step thru was posted on this sight, there seemed to me an over hyped attention to frame flex. This probably turned a lot of people off right from the get go. I was one of those people. Now when a step thru is mentioned, it’s kind of just glossed over likes it no big thing. Better materials, new designs, are probably helping the step thru cause.
The first time I saw a step thru in person I immediately thought frame flex. However I was assured flex was not an issue. I agree assembly techniques and materials have improved. I also think the Step Thru rider is an older rider that has issue getting on their bike due to age , injury or both. The Step Thru rider is more likely to have a softer gentler approach to riding. Step Thru riders are less likely to ride on rugged challenging terrain that may compromise the integrity of the step thru frame.
In the end the step thru design has caught on and become a legitimate frame style that is no longer questioned. The frame flex stigma, or girl bike phenomenon has been put to rest by the abundance of satisfied owners
In the end the step thru design has caught on and become a legitimate frame style that is no longer questioned.
The frame flex stigma, or girl bike phenomenon has been put to rest by the abundance of satisfied owners

Or an abundance of owners who don't know any better... frame flex is a real issue with heavy EBikes. ;)

A step-through frame (also known as open frame or low-step frame) is a type of bicycle frame, often used for utility bicycles, with a low or absent top tube or cross-bar.
Traditionally, bicycles with a step-through frame were known as "Ladies'", "Women's", or "Girls'", mainly for their advantage to riders wearing skirts or dresses.
Bicycles with a high top tube (cross-bar), known as a diamond frame, were known as "Men's", "Gents'", or "Boys'".
As a result of changing clothing styles since the late 20th century, descriptions that describe the frame style, rather than the presumed gender of the rider, are becoming increasingly common.


  • less risk of stretching or ripping clothes when mounting the saddle
  • the rider can wear a skirt (also requires a skirt guard and possibly a chain guard)
  • very quick to mount and dismount, so is suitable for delivery bicycles, or any journey with many stops
  • suitable for the elderly and others with restricted agility


  • Heavier Compared to a traditional diamond frame consisting of two near-triangles, open or step-through frame designs must be designed with thicker gauge tubing, the use of additional gusseting members, and/or monocoque frame construction. These structural elements may add weight or cost over a traditional diamond design.
  • Inattention to structural design can lead to excessive flexing, resulting in lower pedaling efficiency and reduced frame life.
  • Fewer places to mount accessories, e.g. an air pump or water-bottle.
  • More difficult to carry around off the ground due to the sloping tube near the bicycle's center of gravity, e.g. carrying it up stairs, or lifting to hang it for maintenance.
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Or an abundance of owners who don't know any better... frame flex is a real issue with heavy EBikes. ;)

A step-through frame (also known as open frame or low-step frame) is a type of bicycle frame, often used for utility bicycles, with a low or absent top tube or cross-bar. Traditionally, bicycles with a step-through frame were known as "Ladies'", "Women's", or "Girls'", mainly for their advantage to riders wearing skirts or dresses. Bicycles with a high top tube (cross-bar), known as a diamond frame, were known as "Men's", "Gents'", or "Boys'". As a result of changing clothing styles since the late 20th century, descriptions that describe the frame style, rather than the presumed gender of the rider, are becoming increasingly common.


  • less risk of stretching or ripping clothes when mounting the saddle
  • the rider can wear a skirt (also requires a skirt guard and possibly a chain guard)
  • very quick to mount and dismount, so is suitable for delivery bicycles, or any journey with many stops
  • suitable for the elderly and others with restricted agility


  • Heavier Compared to a traditional diamond frame consisting of two near-triangles, open or step-through frame designs must be designed with thicker gauge tubing, the use of additional gusseting members, and/or monocoque frame construction. These structural elements may add weight or cost over a traditional diamond design.
  • Inattention to structural design can lead to excessive flexing, resulting in lower pedaling efficiency and reduced frame life.
  • Fewer places to mount accessories, e.g. an air pump or water-bottle.
  • More difficult to carry around off the ground due to the sloping tube near the bicycle's center of gravity, e.g. carrying it up stairs, or lifting to hang it for maintenance.
I’m happy I don’t know any better!