XP 2.0 Aftermarket Replacement Cranks?


New Member
Both of our recently delivered XPs have damaged crank pedal threads from over torqued pedals in brittle Chinesium. Looking for an aftermarket crankset without breaking the bank. I'm a little out of my element, with the exception of our Bromptons and a single speed Wabi our bikes have either Campy or Deore XT cranks. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Both of our recently delivered XPs have damaged crank pedal threads from over torqued pedals in brittle Chinesium. Looking for an aftermarket crankset without breaking the bank. I'm a little out of my element, with the exception of our Bromptons and a single speed Wabi our bikes have either Campy or Deore XT cranks. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Contact Lectric customer service. They will send you free replacements. They have superior customer support via email. Send photos and your original bike order # with your email.
Why would I want a replacement crank made from the same brittle alloy? I tried to pick up the thread fragments from the crank and they CRUMBLED between my fingers. Out of touch with the market, looking for a replacement single chairing crankset that won't break the bank and will NOT SELF DESTRUCT.
After a search on this and reddit forums your issue seems to be an anomaly as I could not find anyone else with the same issue. I understand having this problem would cause you concern with the OEM quality. I've got around 6500 miles on my Lectric and other than worn brake pads, tires, drive chain and an occasional flat repair nothing has broken. Way better than expected for what I paid. I'll admit that I have the 1.0 so maybe the 2.0 is different enough but I'm pretty sure the difference is tire width and front suspension only. I'm confident your future experience will be better and more trouble free.
Been working on bikes with cotterless cranks for over fifty years.
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Thanks, please read what I have posted. Been doing this for years, have the tools and expertise. Not interested in anything AliExpress, poopoo quality and scam service, not going to get screwed again.
Ben's Cycle to the rescue, ordered a couple of their house brand Andel cranksets at $75 each. They are black versions of the cranksets that came on our Brompton Superlights. Lectric refunded $50 for each damaged crankset. Thanks to all who replied!
After a search on this and reddit forums your issue seems to be an anomaly as I could not find anyone else with the same issue. I understand having this problem would cause you concern with the OEM quality. I've got around 6500 miles on my Lectric and other than worn brake pads, tires, drive chain and an occasional flat repair nothing has broken. Way better than expected for what I paid. I'll admit that I have the 1.0 so maybe the 2.0 is different enough but I'm pretty sure the difference is tire width and front suspension only. I'm confident your future experience will be better and more trouble free.
I've been thinking about this a bunch this evening and it's time to clear the air. Having been on forums since the UBB platform was introduced this thread has the first post of mine edited by a moderator. Granted there were multiple threads locked on a popular overclocking forum back in the day because folks were asking for my help with my username in the subject line, bruising the Site owners ego. Not sure what I said that was offensive. Clarification from the moderator would be appreciated.

We bought Lectrics because my wife is a shorty. I wanted to spend a bunch of more money however after lots of research the Lectric filtered to the top if you're willing to pedal, fit for short legs is a bonus. The one thing that did stand out after reading a couple of years of Reddit and other sources is the exact problem we encountered with two bicycles. So I call B.S. on Johnny's post. Do the research.

I complement Lectric on their response and overall customer service. We've had components for our business manufactured in China for 19 years. QC became such an issue with constant skimping on materials, etc. that we had to hire a person to monitor manufacturing. Lectric is aware of the crankset issues and is addressing them appropriately. It was our choice to upgrade the cranks.

Having been a serious cyclist for better than 50 years and having a finger or two (eight with both thumbs) in the electronics/battery industry, Lectric's going to continue to upset the established manufacturers and drive the market. I welcome the thrust forward.
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Replacing a bike crankset is needed whenever you discern signs of wearing and tearing on your component. Some indicators are knocking noises, a visible bent, or damage that could mean you have to purchase a newer one. The three factors to consider when choosing the optimal crank length you need are your height, cycling discipline, and preference.
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Was hoping to learn something helpful here too. But looks like you found an answer at least. I too wanted to look into new cranks because I'm taller and like 175mm cranks on my bikes. I was looking at Sugino single cranksets which look like they ought to work just fine. Sometimes the tapers on various (at least in the old days) bottom bracket spindles is different, so might make a difference. I would think that today everyone would use a standard spindle taper.

Like this: https://www.modernbike.com/sugino-rd2-single-speed-cranksets