Who has the most total miles on a XP?


I'm curious how many miles these bikes will last for before it needs some sort of major repair. Anyone have a lot of miles on their XP?
I only have 170 miles so far so not even worth posting a photo of my odometer.
How many miles ya got?
Oh and Happy New Years!
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3k in about 7 or so months using her as a daily commuter. No problems cept a few flats, still love the ride.
I think we are at 1800 or so with 2 flats. Both minor thorn jobs. Once we added Slime, no flats.
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3k in about 7 or so months using her as a daily commuter. No problems cept a few flats, still love the ride.
it sounds like you're on track for an impressive number of miles for the first year. Given how the bike feels after 3k, are there any indicators of anything getting worn out or failing? Any strange noises or loose parts? I don't think I've read about any major failures from anyone so far, which is pretty amazing.
it sounds like you're on track for an impressive number of miles for the first year. Given how the bike feels after 3k, are there any indicators of anything getting worn out or failing? Any strange noises or loose parts? I don't think I've read about any major failures from anyone so far, which is pretty amazing.

Not much, just the usual wear and replace stuff like brake pads at 2500 miles...the knobbies on the tires are wearing down a bit so I am pretty sure that might be the next thing in a few hundred miles or so.

The XP, if maintained (really just keep it grime free and lubed), is a beast.