Which Should I Get?


I want to buy a ebike kit front wheel! Which one should I get? Which is the best? Long lasting charge? How many miles? How many hours?
I am going to be building a single speed Trike. I weight 145lbs, I am 78 years old, that is why the trike!
Thanks for reading
I want to buy a ebike kit front wheel! Which one should I get? Which is the best? Long lasting charge? How many miles? How many hours?
I am going to be building a single speed Trike. I weight 145lbs, I am 78 years old, that is why the trike!
Thanks for reading
I´m 73 & currently doing a front wheel build. I´m on my second ebike; this build will be my 3rd. Speed is
not important for a trike because the faster one goes, the easier it is to tip over in a turn. That said,
I am building a Bafang 48v 500w kit, basically same motor on the other 2 bikes. I have 11k miles on these
motors with no issues as far as motors are concerned. They have plenty of power & quite reliable but the
kits are generally more costly. However, one needs shop around thoroughly. My kit was $364, (sans
battery since I already have 4).state taxes, so $398. Batteries are not cheap.The wire harness connections
are color coded & it came with instructions, but there are also video tutorials aplenty online. You may need
to get a crank pulling tool to install the cadence sensor,(apprx. $10)., It ´s extremely important to be very
careful not to damage the threads. There are, of course,much cheaper kits, but still no cheap batteries.
With battery there are some kits to be had in the 6 to 8 hundred dollarrange if you search. Research carefully;
there are many variations, & obtain a thorough understanding b4 you build. These motors will last many
years with care.
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I need to find a controller with a 5 pin throttle connecter?


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To put the question in context, he already built an etrike, and the battery life is poor.

He also bought a new controller, but I don't think he got the display for it.

As far as the throttle, he needs to post more info on the throttle. A basic throttle only needs three wires, and most controllers, including that Brainstorm model he shows in another post, has a three pin connector for it, When a throttle has a voltage indicator (LED light or LCD numbers), or a start button, you get extra wires, Those have to be broken out of the throttle harness and connected to the appropriate pins on the controller. Then more info on the controller inputs is needed.