Where can I find hydraulic brakes with this motor cutoff plug (Julet 2-pin IES)


Active Member
I would like to upgrade my NCM Moscow with hydraulic brakes but I would definitely like to keep the sensor cutoff system while hitting the left brake.
The problem I'm encountering is that the display uses a (it seems) custom 2-pin Julet plug that looks like this
with a Tektro EL555-RT lever. I couldn't find any brake system with that. Is cutting and connecting different wires the only way to do it? And how sure are we that it'll work?
Have you tried looking on AliExpress, that's where I was able to find parts for my brakes listed under stand up scooter
You do not need to find brakes using the same connector. The connector can always be changed.

You do need to check if the connector is a Normally Closed (NC) and opens when you brake, or Normally Opened (NO) and closes when you brake.

Then any Hydraulic brake with a Cutoff switch of the same type will work, you will just need to replace the connector.

Magura has Switched levers of either type available for their brakes.
I dont see any wire connection on the brake lever you mentioned.
Are you sure the brake lever you have now have a switch and wire connector?

If they do and you cant find the proper documentation about the switch, you can test it yourselfwith a simple Multimeter.

You put the multimeter on the OHM / resistance setting. On that setting, it should beep when you touch both lead of the multimeter. It basically beeps when the circuit between the two leads is closed.

So you can test the connector coming out of the brake lever. When the lever is at rest (not pulled), touch both pins of the connector.
If it beeps, the circuit is closed at rest (normally closed). To confirm, pull the brake lever and hold it pulled while testing again, it should no longer beep (the circuit is opened by pulling the lever.
If when the lever is at rest it does not beep, the circuit is Normally Opened. Confirm by pulling the lever and testing in that position, it should now beep, the circuit is closed by pulling the lever.

As for the connector. If the connector that comes with the hydraulic e-brake levers is not the same, you would have to find the compatible connector and replace it or find an adapter. if it is above your pay grade, you may find a shop that will do that for you when they replace the brakes.
Yes the same bike as mine in the Plus variant has Tetro HD350 brakes with the same plug but with an additional pin (and another display).
If you can test the current connector and find the wring diagram of the other Tektro, you should be able to figure out how to wire the new connector on it to be compatible with your display.
Again, normally all the brake lever does is open or close a circuit, so as long as you run the existing two wires to both ends of the switch of the new brake it will work.

And if you cant find the wiring diagram, you can simply test the connector of the new brake when you get them, to find out which two of the three wires behave the same way as your current two wire switch.

One possibility is that the new Tektro have both a NO and NC switch, so they give ou three wires, you have an NO switch between two of them and an NC switch between the others. Once you test, you will know which two wires to use to rewire on the two wire connector.
Yes the same bike as mine in the Plus variant has Tetro HD350 brakes with the same plug but with an additional pin (and another display).

My ET Cycle T1000 has Das-Kit components and Tektro MD-E350 Hydraulic Disc Brakes.

It also has the weird Julet 2 pin brake cut-off switches,..



I searched for Tektro HD-E350 Hydraulic Disc Brakes and it appears to have the regular Higo/Julet 2 pin connectors.
Red connectors are 2 pin,..


I had the same problem as you and couldn't find that Julet connector anywhere.

I ended up putting new connectors on my brake switch wires.

I installed a KT-LCD8H display and controller on my e-bike, and the KT display has the orange 3 pin connector inputs for the brakes.
Only two of the pins are used though, and I just had to find which two pins to use.

I was lucky and had the correct NC/NO operation of the switch, so it's working fine. (I forget whether it's NO or NC?)
I figure that there is a REALLY Good chance that Tektro uses the same NO or NC type of switches on all their brakes, but I could be wrong?

You could buy one of these Julet cables to cut into to make a connector,..


Or just a 2 pin Julet extension cable.

You would just cut the connector off that you need, bare the wires inside and connect them to the other side.

You could also just cut the red Julet connector off of your new brake levers, and cut the connector off the display brake input and just connect the two wires together, but you may not have enough wire length, and you wouldn't be able to unplug the brake switch.

You don't have to worry about positive or negative on the two wires.
It's just an on/off switch.
I would like to upgrade my NCM Moscow with hydraulic brakes but I would definitely like to keep the sensor cutoff system while hitting the left brake.

You could probably buy the same Tektro hydraulic brakes that are on my ebike?

They should have the proper Julet connector that you need?

If you buy both left and right brake levers, you will have cut-off switches on both brake levers.


That would probably work, can't find where I've seen a picture with 3 pins. Anyway good to know, thanks!
I was looking for something more entry-level and cheaper anyway but that's all I needed to know!
That would probably work, can't find where I've seen a picture with 3 pins. Anyway good to know, thanks!

Apparently, the third pin is for a brake light if the vehicle is equipped, but I don't know of any e-bikes that use the third pin for a brake light.

It might also be a NC switch, while the other is NO? (But I'm just guessing.)

I was looking for something more entry-level and cheaper anyway but that's all I needed to know!

Yeah, my brakes are entry level hydraulic brakes. But so is my e-bike.
No use putting a ten dollar saddle on a two dollar horse. Lol

I've had no problems with my brakes, but apparently, cheaper hydraulic brakes can start to leak under heavy hard use.

If you are using your brakes continuously for something like going down a mountain side, the caliper and hydraulic oil can heat up that's when brake fade and leaking can occur.

If you never need to ride your brakes, you should be fine.
Keep your disk size in mind when you're ordering the hydraulic brakes.

My disks are 180mm and come with the appropriate sized caliper spacer included.


So, if you've got 160mm rotors you'll need a different spacer.
Or you can upgrade to a bigger brake rotor if your ebike has enough space to fit them in without hitting anything.

Some ebikes have different sized rotors on the front and rear.

Or, you might be able to use your old spacers on the new calipers, if they are a different size, but you might need different length bolts to fasten them down?