What Valid E-bike Complaints have you Heard?

Oh, I said I agree with that argument but understand others would argue to the contrary.

If I'm on a group ride on the road and we're moving along at say 32 km/hr. (since many ebikes are restricted to that speed) and someone joins us who has never ridden in a group before and doesn't have much experience riding. I'm not going to be comfortable with them joining us on an ebike until I know that person has learned to ride in a group safely. I don't want someone at the front who might slam on their brakes without warning, might not point out obstacles in the road, might swerve into others unexpectedly.

I think the group would tell that person to ride at the bike behind everyone else until they learned how to ride in a group.
I think the main reason people think of regen is that regenerative braking is a key feature for hybrid cars and one of the main reasons they get such high mileage. While most people have probably heard of hybrid cars, e-bikes are a newer type of "hybrid", so people may think it should also have regen even though it is much less important for a bicycle.
This is a great point and would explain why ppl who otherwise know nothing about ebikes are always asking about this feature.
Unless you are walking or running nude and barefoot, you are cheating by using some kind of mechanical or protective advantage so the wheels, gears and sausage casing clothes are cheating by the roadie. They simply don’t like our level of cheating.