Voltbike Kodiak Charger Quit Working After 3 Months


New Member
Hi There,

I took delivery of a Voltbike Kodiak in late June 2021. I think I've put something like 700kms on the bike so far and maybe 40 or 50 charge cycles on the charger.

The other day I went to charge the bike and the charger wouldn't work. It's supposed to show a red light for charging and a green light for a full battery. It showed no lights.

I called Voltbike service and they told me to send an email with the charger S/N, bike model and bike order number, so I hung up the phone and emailed them. That was on Wednesday. I didn't hear back, so on Friday I called again. They told me that usually they require the dead charger to be sent to them before issuing a new one. I explained that I didn't have time for that. I use the bike to get to work, so every day that I don't have access to the bike costs me time and money. They said they would put a new charger in the mail on Friday or Monday.

That seems like a reasonable service response from Voltbike to me, but the charger giving up after 3 months is not great.

This is the second electrical problem that I have had with the bike, although the first, a loose wire in the motor controller harness didn't prevent me from using the bike.

When I spoke to Voltbike the call-taker did said that he had received some chargers in the mail, so maybe one was mine. That makes me think this isn't an isolated issue. Anyone else having charger issues?