Volition Bikes in Sydney

Well ebike risk takers I took the plunge and purchased a Jet Performance Ebike from Volition https://volitionebike.com/product/jet-electric-bike-bafang-australia/ after doing a lot of research and they seemed to have the best fit for me. I’ve been riding it now for about 3 weeks, here’s my initial report, I also intend doing YouTube reviews. Firstly the customer service after sales support has been poor in my opinion. They don’t take phone calls and dealing with them via email has been less than adequate. The bike is pretty good, though some of the bolts have already started to rust, I would have thought if I’m spending over Aus$7K on a bike, you would at least expect stainless steel fittings. The main issue has been power consumption. I was told based on the average weight of a male in Australia of between 70-80 kilos by them which is incorrect, the average weight of a man in aust is 87kilos, I’m 105kilos, I should expect to get between 30-50kms on sports mode from my 21amp 48volt battery with the 1000 -1500w nominal bafang ultra motor drawing around 30amps. I’m getting about 15kms in sports mode before the motors starts significantly reducing in power to conserve itself. In an attempt to work with Volition on a dual battery solution, they’re telling me I can’t set up dual batteries because a second battery physically won’t fit anywhere, which is not true as there’s room on the rear rack or the void under the cross bar and I should buy another battery and just carry it in my rear paneer bag. I mean seriously, is that all they can come up with in this day and age, that just seems naff. Currently it’s like having a Ferrari I have to drive like a hyundai to conserve power so I can get a decent distance out of my ride, my work ride is 25kms each way, so I have to be very considered with my power management instead of just enjoying my ride. While I appreciate a dual battery set up has its challenges, I just don’t get why Volition won’t work with me to come up with a better solution than that. Violition go on to say if I go else where to seek a 3rd party battery solution I’ll void my warranty, keeping in mind I’m 5000kms from their shop! They just seem obstinate about this issue and won’t answer my questions. I’m hoping they will put on their customer focus hat at some point and at least be easier to deal with. So their bad reviews about their customer service unfortunately has come to pass for me so far. Other than that the bike is very nice to ride, the one size fits all frame is a bit small for me, I’m 180cm, so I’m going to get a post riser and thinking about a Jones bar for handle bars. If I’m stuck with having to contemplate carrying a second battery, I’m thinking of holding it in a front handle bar bag to keep the weight down on the rear so I can still carry things. It’s a belt drive which is nice, no greasy chains and rear cassettes you have to change every 2 months. It has a 7 speed internal Alphine gears, which are smooth enough, but a little inadequate at higher speeds, I’m looking at replacing this with a Rolhoff 14 speed internal hub. I’d also love to upgrade the motor to Wattwagons X1 controller which might help with my power issues too, but these upgrades will be very expensive adding another 5k at least, to the 8k Ive already spent on the bike! If I’m spend that sort of money, perhaps I could have gone straight to Wattswagons and got everything I wanted from them, arguably a better product, but that an international purchase then with customs issues to consider etc. Also equally I've found Wattswagons to not be very responsive when contacting them with questions. What is it with bike shops and their shabby customer service, I’ve found common across many bike shops. I dont find this issue generally dealing with other businesses, those thinking it’s just me being a pain. Sorry Volition, but over this battery issue, you've been very difficult to deal with, when I just want help, not more problems placed in front of me or not answering questions or providing me with out of the box solutions. Will keep you posted how things progress.
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I’ve decided to go a spare battery from Caprouge in Australia who are about to release a 25amp dorado battery which rocks instead of dealing with Volition any further on this battery matter, as they’ve been so difficult and non responsive to deal with, like pulling teeth. Conversely Ben from Caprouge https://caprouge.com.au/ has been so easy to deal with. So then I’m going to store the spare battery across my top tube, an idea I got from this post https://electricbikereview.com/foru...pare-battery-carrier.38038/page-3#post-449742 This should transform my ride which currently I have to be so careful as I explained conserving power it really makes the ride more about power management than enjoying the ride and power the bike actually has. Will keep you posted how it works out. Don’t get me wrong the bike from Volition is so great to ride https://volitionebike.com/product/jet-electric-bike-bafang-australia/ it just needs more battery power, longer than the 15 - 20 minutes I’m currently getting on full power, but Volition get your s*it together, customers are not your enemy, they're what keep you in business and just need support when they purchase a product from you, not indifference and arrogance, it’s just a small adjustment, you have a great product.
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Well guess what in only 3 months if owing this Volition made Jet performance bike https://volitionebike.com/product/jet-electric-bike-bafang-australia/ the motor failed. I had to go to get the motor dismounted, sent 5000kms back to the shop, Volition just told me it’s full of dirt and it’s my fault and I have to pay to get it cleaned and it might burn out! All Ive done is ride on bitumen bike tracks and apparently that’s my fault dirt has entered the motor! So 8k and 3 months later the bike is useless. I can see the lawyers getting involved, this is BS. The plunge has proven not to be worth it.
Well guess what in only 3 months if owing this Volition made Jet performance bike https://volitionebike.com/product/jet-electric-bike-bafang-australia/ the motor failed. I had to go to get the motor dismounted, sent 5000kms back to the shop, Volition just told me it’s full of dirt and it’s my fault and I have to pay to get it cleaned and it might burn out! All Ive done is ride on bitumen bike tracks and apparently that’s my fault dirt has entered the motor! So 8k and 3 months later the bike is useless. I can see the lawyers getting involved, this is BS. The plunge has proven not to be worth it.
Wow, serious!! I’m totally put off now. I’ve been saving for one. Just go to Fair Trade.
Hi @Katty im Looking into these bikes https://stealthelectricbikes.com/ or going to a scooter https://ampdbros.com.au/products/nami-burn-e-viper-2-max-electric-hyper-scooter but feeling somewhat disillusioned at the moment with the whole thing, sigh. Surely there’s a better alternative to cars. Will keep you posted on how Volition ultimately deal with this, perhaps they’ll surprise me and sort all this out, but its now been a month I don’t have my 8k bike to ride.
Yes!! Please keep me updated. I bought an ol’ cheapo Cullen 1000w to keep me out of trouble in the meantime.
As suspected they said the dirt in the motor is my fault and happy to have it deal with by the courts. I would recommend not buying anything from volition. How can a motor seizing up from dirt riding on a bike path be my fault. What use is a bike if you can’t ride it on a bike path?! I will be suing for damages. Will keep you posted.
As suspected they said the dirt in the motor is my fault and happy to have it deal with by the courts. I would recommend not buying anything from volition. How can a motor seizing up from dirt riding on a bike path be my fault. What use is a bike if you can’t ride it on a bike path?! I will be suing for damages. Will keep you posted.
Wow!! Yeah, you’ll have to lodge an application through fair trading or consumer law (depending on your state). That’s really bad. With so few bikes made and sold, it’s hard to gauge a customer satisfaction level. But that’s put me off. Good luck.
As suspected they said the dirt in the motor is my fault and happy to have it deal with by the courts. I would recommend not buying anything from volition. How can a motor seizing up from dirt riding on a bike path be my fault. What use is a bike if you can’t ride it on a bike path?! I will be suing for damages. Will keep you posted.
That’s pretty poor form.

Fortunately you shouldn’t need lawyers to get a good result here. The ACCC, Australian Consumer Law and since you bought it in Sydney, NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal is in your favour. Lodge a complaint with ACCC, while they don’t act on your behalf, they may take action against the seller if they have enough complaints.

Lodge an application into NCAT saying the goods are not meeting the requirements of the ACL, you have an expectation that the bike based on its price would reasonably last for longer that 3 months and that the seller who is responsible is not offering an appropriate remedy.

Lawyers are frown upon at NCAT for small matters.
That’s pretty poor form.

Fortunately you shouldn’t need lawyers to get a good result here. The ACCC, Australian Consumer Law and since you bought it in Sydney, NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal is in your favour. Lodge a complaint with ACCC, while they don’t act on your behalf, they may take action against the seller if they have enough complaints.

Lodge an application into NCAT saying the goods are not meeting the requirements of the ACL, you have an expectation that the bike based on its price would reasonably last for longer that 3 months and that the seller who is responsible is not offering an appropriate remedy.

Lawyers are frown upon at NCAT for small matters.
Appreciate your advice thank you
Had my first hearing at NCAT. Volition Bikes still refuse to support this bike under warranty in only 4 months of use from a seized motor with no modifications to the bike. I’m going to a full hearing at NCAT now at the end of the month claimimg a full refund plus damages, all the advise I have had is Volition Bikes are completely in the wrong and will lose this claim. Buyers beware of Volition Bikes.
Hello all

We thought it is the best for the community to know the truth. This is one time response from us. We do prefer to keep our communication open with Greg Walker only in the court.

In summary , Greg Walker from WA Australia
is slightly delusional. We would like to address some key concerns here

  • the motor area was never cleaned ; hence, both outside and inside collected much dirt. Evidence
    / this is uncommon and not a part of any sort of standard ebike services; but, at the same time, a standard & complete motor service should cover this job.
  • Greg Walker emailed us and said the bike has done 10,000km. This is considered "heavy use" by us
  • He was also complaining that he could not find 4 piston pads (Shimano style) from his local shop and we said, Shimano pads are available everywhere online. He refused to believe us ....

The motor never "failed" and it went into a protection mode where the power is restricted. We never said if it was anyone's fault. We never denied his rights to the warranty. It is unfortunately that the motor became dirty. We could have waived the bill. Instead, he went completely unreasonable, he first wanted a brand new bike and then he said he cannot be bothered sending anything to us ever again and he therefore demanded 7000refund + 7000 cash for the "hassle". At that point, we genuinely thought this man must be crazy. He threatened us that refusing would be bad for the our reputation and since then, he has posted fake & racist reviews using different accounts on the social media or anywhere he could.

The local court has done their job and the case was dismissed. We won the case! File Number GEN 22/04063 | GREGORY WALKER - VOLT MOTORS PTY LTD T/AS VOLITION EBIKE

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Please be genuine and honest with other small businesses.

We sincerely wish you the best of luck. We will not engage in a conversation here as we are preparing a defamation case against Greg Walker

Johnson Sheng Zhang
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Mr Sheng Zhang Aka Johnson I have lodged an appeal with the NCAT expect to receive further legal action against you for your cheap Chinese rip off products that dont work.
Id give Volition A HUGE MISS!
Even though they have some nice bikes, if something goes wrong good luck trying to get them to stand by their Warranty.
I purchased a new controller from them for a Baffang BBSHD motor and when I fitted it an error was displayed so I took the controller back and they updated the firmware and gave it back.
Upon fitting it again another error was being displayed, so this time I took the whole motor to them and asked them to get it working correctly
the next day they told me that they plugged it into a battery and the controller blew up, and that they wouldnt fix it because the controller is to dangerous.
I said ok then put a new Controller on it, this one is under warranty.
so they presented a quote to fix it which included paying for another Controller.
I told them I dont mind paying for labour but I just bought the controller and its under Warranty.
That was over a week ago and they wont tell me if they are going to change it under warranty.
They just keep telling me that it needs a new contoller.
I can only contact them by email because they dont have a phone number.
Ive messaged them numerous times asking when I can pick it up, and when they do finally reply they dont tell me when it will be ready or if they are going to fix it under warranty, I dont even know if they intend fixing it at all.
So I send another message asking those questions and a few days later they will respond and still not tell me whats happening
And this is where it gets ammusing...
I havent bought anything from there for over 7 years because the previeous part I bought was also faulty and I had to go to The Department of Fair Trading to try to get them to adhere to their warranty
because they did the same thing then as well
This was at Bondi Junction, Im not sure if they have other branches but Give Bondii a huge miss
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