Vado SL 5.0 didn't turn on after winter


Well-Known Member
Rochester Hills MI
When I stored my 3-year-old SL 5.0 in the basement over the winter I was sure that I had at least 50% charge in the battery, but today when I got it up for its first ride of the year it wouldn't turn on. I short-pressed and long-pressed the power button but nothing doing. I couldn't believe that the battery could have run down that far but connected the charger and was surprised that it showed that I was at 68%!

I let it get to the 80% charging shutoff, disconnected the charger, and the bike now powers on and off as usual. Any idea what might have been going on? I know that a dead coin battery in the TCU is a problem but my Mastermind TCU has no such battery. Any ideas?
[Note - a MasterMind TCU may be unresponsive if it has sat for long enough without being charged or turned on. Connect the display to a USB-C cable and let it charge for 20-30 minutes to allow the internal battery to charge]
Just keep the bike on for a period than the inbuild powersupply will charge again, or take it out and charge it with an external power source....
Thanks. I wasn't aware of an internal rechargeable battery -- I always thought that it just drew current from the main battery even when the bike is off. The fact that this is the first time in three years that it's done this makes me wonder if the internal battery is losing its charge capacity. Nothing to worry about once it's working at the beginning of the season though.
Thanks. I wasn't aware of an internal rechargeable battery -- I always thought that it just drew current from the main battery even when the bike is off. The fact that this is the first time in three years that it's done this makes me wonder if the internal battery is losing its charge capacity. Nothing to worry about once it's working at the beginning of the season though.
First of all, great thanks to @Base for reminding what to do in this case.

Doug @rochrunner: This information has been relatively new to us. I think the Mastermind Vado SL first appeared in 2022, and the owners even didn't know about the rechargeable TCU 2 battery. Quite recently an owner reported a similar issue and another user (@Allan47.7339?) who is good at finding the information quoted the proper action from

No worries. Just make your Vado SL wake up from the winter sleep and ride on!