US Duties On Banggood Bikes?

Been making plans to buy a Fiido bike (made in China) in the near future. Back in May I could have still purchased this on, and probably gotten cheap or free delivery. But they either ran out of stock or something else happened, so it's now classified as Unavailable.

There's still a dealer on, priced at $829 US. I was angling toward having this shipped to a border parcel company, and either having it re-shipped to me in Canada or going to pick it up myself if/when the border opens up.

Then someone gave me a coupon for the same bike on They don't ship to Canada either, but the coupon price of $669 US was attractive, and I was just about to pull the trigger when I realized the bike might be subject to US duties when it arrives at the parcel company, followed by Canadian duties when in finally gets to me :eek: Suddenly that "good deal" on Banggood seems a lot less good.

The bike is more expensive, but I'm thinking it has the US duties built into the price already. Has anyone bought an ebike off Banggood before? What kind of customs fees did you get stuck with when it arrived?
I havent bought off banggood before but I have aliexpress and didnt have any extra fees added . Sometimes they give you an option to have it shipped from different countrys and some of them pay in advance . I may be wrong about that tho . Good luck .
I've since come across one site that said Banggood's ocean shipping doesn't usually incur any customs fees. I guess that jives with past experience, the more I think about it. Always seems to be the faster shippers that stick you with a customs bill. Here's hoping.