Upgrade HMI?


Active Member
Since we have a Bafang motor, and I'm assuming the same controller...are we able to swap out to a better HMI?

Like this one? (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
I looked this up and the specs are interesting. I could not find a price or purchasing channel. Any idea what it might sell for?
Seems like it will only fit a mid-drive, right? Besides, are you sure Rads controllers aren't altered?
At the very least, you would want to see if the connectors on the new display match up with those on the bike. Otherwise, you'll be up for quite a project, that could easily be a total re-wire, and likely include a new controller.

I wasn't real keen on Rad's display either. One thing led to another for me, and I ended up installing an entire "conversion kit" that included ALL of the electrical and electronics, including a bigger drive motor. I was working on a bike w/direct drive hub though.