Ultimate 380 vs 380+ at 20 mph

A very open ended question. Compare on what basis?
If I want to be positive, the 380 will have a lot more range left because if you use the battery to go over 20mph, much of that energy will be lost to aero drag. The power used goes up with the cube of the speed, so it takes 2.7 times as much power to do 28mph than it does to do 20mph. But if you are 5 miles from home facing a 25mph headwind, you won't care about that as long as the battery will get you home. These Class 3 bikes really need an easily available second battery.
If you want the option, then get the 380+, and upgrade from a Purion to a Nyon for about $350+labor and use the alternate modes to shut electric assist off at 20mph. Or don't pedal faster than that except in off mode.
Excellent answer. Thank you.

I crashed three months ago and am still messed up although able to ride again. I was at a reunion and was shocked at how old everyone had become. My wife commented that I was as old as they were. It dawned on me that perhaps I shouldn’t be riding at 28 mph so much. In fact, a limit of 20 would be fine.

At 20 mph I fail to see the need for a class 3 bike, especially when it is so hard to resist the temptation to go faster. Thus the 380 would probably have been the wiser option. I just wondered how they compared at less speed.
You might consider taking the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) class. They provide the bikes, and it's all done in large parking lots, and you won't see 28mph, but it might give you some insights into the skills required for slightly higher speeds. There's more there than most people consider.
When touring I rarely ever find need to exceed 15mph let alone 20mph for extended periods, idea is to enjoy journey. I understand need for speed when commuting or doing errands but in most cases a single battery should provide plenty of range even in turbo at +20mph.
When touring I rarely ever find need to exceed 15mph let alone 20mph for extended periods, idea is to enjoy journey. I understand need for speed when commuting or doing errands but in most cases a single battery should provide plenty of range even in turbo at +20mph.
So should I infer from that that you do not have a class 3 bike?
My thinking matched yours until I bought the C380+. It wasn't going over 20mph that drained the single battery fast, it was the hills, probably assisted by too low a pedalling cadence. The Purion display also doesn;t let you accurately gauge how much range is left. I left on a 10 mile ride with 3 bars out of 5 showing, out and back and the battery cut off a mile from the house. Even the Bosch charts show only a range of about 30 miles with the Gen4 performance Speed motor.

So I agree, a single battery SHOULD provide plenty of range. But it doesn't.