The new turbo Vado 2017

@soram thanks for the update! I'm curious whether you are seeing power numbers that are roughly comparable to those you see on your regular bike. I feel like I'm working hard on the Turbo but I'm never sure (and there are no power numbers available for the hub-drive Turbos).

I see power numbers that I believe are similar to those on my Powertap for a perceived exertion. They seem fairly similar - at least not double or half! I probably don't push as hard on the Vado on the commute as on a normal bike and I am faster so I'm working alright but maybe not as much but at least the power output will let me monitor that now.
So my display was updated last Thursday. I've done a couple of rides and it seems great. It gives power too which seems generally accurate (my training bike has a Powertap and the data from the TCD seems close to what I feel). It was easy to upload the file from the ride from the App to Training Peaks and the power data was all there :). Lately I have just worn a Garmin Vivosport on my wrist to log my rides but I just paired the HR of the Vivosport to the TCD display and it worked perfectly. So hopefully now I can log HR and Power to TrainingPeaks though I will need to do it manually after each ride as it only automatically uploads to Strava.....

So all good really! Except - on the way in today I had this horrendous chain suck - almost made the bike unusable - the Concept store is near my work so I went around and they had forgotten to put the derailleur clutch on. Who knew what a derailleur clutch was - well not me! Anyway its perfect again....

The manual I got had a link to this video: It is the installation guide. .Check it out - it's quite a lot of work!

How did you pair your hr monitor/band to the display?
I don't know what transpired between BLOKS and Specialized. Certainly the whole development of the Vado and the Como was built around the BLOKS control logic, displays, and relevant firmware. I could surmise that BLOKS kept slipping development schedules and was giving Specialized "just around the corner" kinds of answers as schedules slipped. In my experience, these kinds of high risk business relationships between large companies and startups keep stretching out until everything finally blows up. Keep in mind that both BLOKS and GoSwissDrive (the creator of the core original Turbo technology) both have disappeared in the last year.

There is consolidation in the e-bike technology going on. To make a bike, you need motor, battery, and control technology. The large manufacturers like Specialized, Trek, etc. do not create this underlying technology but mostly repackage stuff they get from others. The volume developers are Bosch, Yamaha, Shimano, and to a lesser extent Brose (who makes motors but not all of the other parts). Specialized has tried to "add-value" by modifying technology and integrating their own proprietary components (Integrate GoSwissDrive firmware and control functions in the Turbo batteries. Add Mission Control), add Specialized specific firmware and batteries to Brose motors in Levo. When they tried to integrate BLOKS with Brose and their own batteries in Vado/Como, it was a "bridge too far" and the high-risks were realized.

I would guess it probably has something to do with the fact that the Bloks unit is totally not waterproof. My Vado is virtually unusable in any kind of wet weather. this weekend the bike has stopped working altogether after being wet. The failure of Bloks displays can't have been good for Specialized financially or for their reputation. I can't imagine how poor the testing regime for these displays was. Or, maybe the plastic mold tooling was done and dusted before anyone thought to do ingress protection testing. "Oops, it leaks, but we've invested all this money so we'll go to production anyway". Anyone who ever owned an old Cateye computer would have taken one look at the design and rejected it.
I went into my LBS today and got the firmware updated on my Bloks (2017 Vado 5.0). I was told by the LBS tech not to request display switch as the new one doesn't offer anything substantial other than Mission Control and is static LCD rather than the TFT display that came with the bike and is essentially a downgrade for the 5.0. Has anyone upgraded a similar vintage 5.0 to the new display and is pleased with it? What's better/ what's worse? Thanks!
I went into my LBS today and got the firmware updated on my Bloks (2017 Vado 5.0). I was told by the LBS tech not to request display switch as the new one doesn't offer anything substantial other than Mission Control and is static LCD rather than the TFT display that came with the bike and is essentially a downgrade for the 5.0. Has anyone upgraded a similar vintage 5.0 to the new display and is pleased with it? What's better/ what's worse? Thanks!
The new display looks a little basic as the display goes but offers you so much more information. I got my 2017 vado 3 upgraded. Had to many issues with the now defunct bloks display. The battery percentage level remaining is great feature as well as the option to change your power levels through the Mission control app. I ride a lot in the rain and have had no issues with the new display. I would recommend you upgrade as Specialized were fitting them foc for 2017 bikes.
I went into my LBS today and got the firmware updated on my Bloks (2017 Vado 5.0). I was told by the LBS tech not to request display switch as the new one doesn't offer anything substantial other than Mission Control and is static LCD rather than the TFT display that came with the bike and is essentially a downgrade for the 5.0. Has anyone upgraded a similar vintage 5.0 to the new display and is pleased with it? What's better/ what's worse? Thanks!
The Bloks TFT display has more information/functions than the Bloks LCD that used to come with Vado 1.0 - 4.0.
Compared to the Bloks LCD the newer Turbo Connect Display (lcd) offers more info/functions. I get the impression that most comparisons and upgrades are done by owners of the Bloks LCD.
According to the 2017 Vado/Como User Manual the Bloks TFT offers a lot of functions so your LBS may have a point.
I had a Bloks LCD on my 2018 Vado 4.0 and now have the newer TCD (2020 Vado 5.0) and like e.g. the % battery info and the possibility to connect to the Mission Control app to change power settings. Maybe not so great that the new display is non removable.

I have no experience of the TFT on your Vado 5.0 so I hope you will get answers from ” TFT owners ” that have done the correct comparison. You could download the latest Vado User Manual to get more info of the new LCD display.
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Thanks for the reply. I've no complaints about my current display other than lack of MC (after firmware update it no longer resets to wrong units, etc.). Any TFT peeps out there with a review of the new one?
The new display looks a little basic as the display goes but offers you so much more information. I got my 2017 vado 3 upgraded.

If you can get hold of the "dealer-only-app" as shown here
there ain't so much difference between the information/functions of the BLOKS LCD-display and the new display which I think isn't the same quality level (your 'looks a little basic' is quite kind).

Using the .apk with the BLOKS LCD shows the exact battery percentage remaining level and even the battery health, you can adjust several power levels and even tire size - as long as you do not have the latest firmware update installed on your Vado 1.0-4.0. Information of total mileage, firmware version both of battery and bike is provided too. So I would not recommend upgrade for 2017-2018 Vado 1.0-4.0.
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