The future of electric bicycles is free from batteries!

Ofer Canfi

New Member
Flux is a near future vision of a world with wireless electricity everywhere, available to anyone at any time. With Flux you can drive for a thousand miles without recharging, work on your laptop for days at a time without a power-cord or reach level 200 on CandyCrush Saga without plugging in once.

I presented the Flux project for the first time at the Royal College of Art 2014 graduation show in London...

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Feel free to AMA, you can see some prototype photos on my older webpage
I love the idea, but... I'm going to buy an ebike soon. How long do I have to hold off purchasing for this to become a reality?

Sorry for being so down to earth.
:) thank for the support, I think it will be a while until this is a reality, we're still missing the graphene capacitors and a municipality that would invest in wireless power emitting roads.

If anything, this could start off as a wireless charging point / parking, but that would take a while as well; so go ahead and buy your e-bike, when the tech is out it would fit any existing model with LIon power packs.

will keep you updated ;)
Nikola Tesla had this dream 100 +/- years ago and people have been working on his ideas for a very long time. They are closer for sure, but by no means close. When the military has it then we will be close to having it. I don't expect to see it in my lifetime, I expect you are younger though.

Off topic for a second @Ofer Canfi in the video you posted on your other thread and in your avatar picture there are those silicone (assume silicone) wraps that glow for better visibility of your rear light (again assuming). I've never noticed those before! Am I living in a cave? What are they called? Where are they sold?
Nikola Tesla had this dream 100 +/- years ago and people have been working on his ideas for a very long time. They are closer for sure, but by no means close. When the military has it then we will be close to having it. I don't expect to see it in my lifetime, I expect you are younger though.

Off topic for a second @Ofer Canfi in the video you posted on your other thread and in your avatar picture there are those silicone (assume silicone) wraps that glow for better visibility of your rear light (again assuming). I've never noticed those before! Am I living in a cave? What are they called? Where are they sold?
J.R., funny enough, I started my research with reading the entire Nikola Tesla lecture which he presented to the Royal Engineering Society in London 1890's (I will find the PDF and link it) on wireless power transfer and thought how is this not a reality?! unluckily I suppose the military does not need this tech, so it took a while for it to come along, I based my research on two existing technologies, 1:, an MIT offshoot that supplies wireless power tech for a while now. 2: KAIST wireless lane for buses here. Since I was just a student for product design at the time I had little means to achieve a full pilot system, but I did get to about 80% power transfer efficiency at 120mm height(a bit higher then your pedal at low position) transferring 12V at 0.8amp, which was sufficient for trickle charging a Li Ion battery.
As I stated before my main obstacle was and still is, replacing the batteries with ultracapacitors thus making this a truly clean and sustainable form of transport.

@J.R. as for the tail light diffuser, (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) is a Polypropylene side diffuser for better visibility, and you can get is(Link Removed - No Longer Exists), I recently finished crowdfunding for it and producing the first batch :)