Tern Vektron Q9?


I just found a decent price for a used Tern Vektron Q9. It has 400 miles which seems not TOO used for 2k, lol.

My issue in the past having tried folding bikes is the tiny wheels make them feel wobbly combined with bars that feel too narrow.
These have 20" wheels and the brompton I tried (and disliked) had 16's. Can't find their bar specs though.
Anyone know if I can swap out the bars for wider ones? (are they a common size or something)?
I honestly will probably never fold the bike so that's not part of my concern, just wanting a short bike for my kiddo.
yes you can switch the bar.. that's like, not hard at all
I should have been more specific. Yes, I know that is very easy. Some bikes, like my Benno have very specific sizes where there are no easy replacements to purchase.
could you elaborate on that? size of what? bar? the length? diameter? or the stem? 😳
I believe it was the diameter but I don't recall now. I wanted to get a more swept back handlebar but the dealer told me that wasn't an option. Maybe on the newer ones? Mine is 3 years old now.