stock battery charger


Active Member
I have a question for you guys. How hot does your stock Radrover charger get? My gets so hot that you can't hold it in your hand. There is no determinable change in temperature of my battery while it is charging. It just takes hours to charge; that's all. I'm hoping that I don't have an issue with my battery and/or charger.
I fully depleted the battery yesterday. It took from 10 am to 4 pm (6 hours) to fully charge. I'm still waiting on the new battery case.
I fully depleted the battery yesterday. It took from 10 am to 4 pm (6 hours) to fully charge. I'm still waiting on the new battery case.

Assuming a 2A charger (which is a fairly standard power rating) that's how long it would take to charge a 12ah battery, give or take. Chargers can get very warm - is it fanless? - but too hot to touch sounds a bit off. Buy a new, better one.
I took a picture of my Radrover charger with a thermal camera.

The thermal camera says the case temp is 157 degF, which means the electronics inside are even hotter. This is too hot IMO. I contacted Rad & I'll let you what their reply is.
i am pretty sure mine doesnt get that hot normally

but i also run all my chargers with a fan on them and on an elevated cooling rack to keep them from getting hot at all

maybe you could try something like that until rad gets the new one to you
My charger also gets incredibly hot during charging, I put it on a fan now to cool it and it seems to stay nice and cool.
I bought a 48V 3 amp charger that had a built-in fan which never gets hot. The battery got a little warm with that charger though when I used to use it. I now use the blue Lunacharger with no issues. It is loud though so be forewarned.
I have a new 2018 RadCity and about 50 miles on my bike. I was charging a 2/3 empty battery for about 6 hours when i picked up the charger and i had to put it back down because it was so hot. I emailed rad support and they said ---- Thanks for writing in. It is normal for the charger to get hot as it does not have a fan for cooling. It is normal for the charger to reach temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit, similar to a hot cup of coffee. Just make sure to keep the charger on a hard surface or suspended off the ground to diffuse excess heat. A room temp battery is also normal during charging.------ So i guess that's how it works.
New owner of a RadCity here. I noticed that the charger does not shut off like my Turbo Levo charger does when the battery hits full. Does it harm the batter to let it charge overnight?

New owner of a RadCity here. I noticed that the charger does not shut off like my Turbo Levo charger does when the battery hits full. Does it harm the batter to let it charge overnight?


I would contact Rad Power Bikes for support. When I got my RadCity Step-Thru and the 2018 Rover a month ago, both turned green within 2 1/2 hours during the initial charge. They have since turned green on the next two charges. You definitely don't want to leave yours charged overnight if it's showing red. The battery might get too hot.