Step Thru's delayed


Active Member
Received the following from Lectric:

Our Lectric team has recently been made aware that these Step Thru bikes will be delayed approximately two (2) weeks. In spite of our best efforts to begin delivery of these amazing bikes to you in August, it's become evident that shipping will not begin until the first week of September. The delay is due to a variety of factors including production challenges related to COVID-19, port congestion, and shipping delays.

We remain committed to transparency and want you to have this new information as quickly as possible. Although our Step Thru bikes are delayed, we are pleased to inform you that we have Lectric XP bikes in stock. If you ordered a Step Thru bike and would like to update your order to one of our XP bikes, please let us know at [email protected]. Our expert customer service team is happy to assist you.
Eagerly awaiting September shipment. Wish Lectric would offer up 20% off of accessories as gesture of goodwill since they have had my money since Jun 26th.
I just got this notice from Lectric:
