Standup rack for a pickup.

Joe EE

Active Member
Maybe someone can help with this. I have a 2006 Toyota Tacoma pickup and I am in the market for a standup rack for the bed. I will need something that will accommodate a Voltbike Yukon with 4 inch tires and a Surface Colt. Not interested in removing the front wheel or hanging the bike over the tailgate. Any suggestions appreciated.
I searched online and found several different DIY setups. This is what I went with. Space enough for 2 Bikes, the Yukon and the Colt that is enroute. Total cost $70 including paint.
rack 1s.jpg
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I searched online and found several different DIY setups. This is what I went with. Space enough for 2 Bikes, the Yukon and the Colt that is enroute. Total cost $70 including paint.View attachment 17334 View attachment 17335 View attachment 17336 View attachment 17337 View attachment 17338(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)

Thanks for this. I was looking for ideas to carry my Téo fat bike in my pickup.

I have a 5th wheel hitch in my box and would love to leave it in, essentially squeeze my bike to the right of the hitch, but was struggling to have something hold it, something not too expensive.... GOT IT NOW!

Thank you
I searched online and found several different DIY setups. This is what I went with. Space enough for 2 Bikes, the Yukon and the Colt that is enroute. Total cost $70 including paint.View attachment 17334 View attachment 17335 View attachment 17336 View attachment 17337 View attachment 17338(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)

Wow. On your Voltbike, that is quite the tail light you have there! How is it powered?
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Hey Denis, glad you like my rig there:) That tail light is available at Larson electronics online. It is powered by AA batteries. It stays on steady red or seizure inducing flashes. It is also cheap.

Somebody on the trail told me that if he rear ended me it would definitely be his fault. Lol.
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Just an update. Went for a trailride today with my son and both bikes in the new rack. With the use of the separator rods the bikes felt like they were part of the truck. No wobbling or shifting around. The tailgate firmly up against both rear wheels, the front wheels cinched into the rack, separator bars in place and lashed to the bikes with braided parachute cord at the seatposts and up behind the handlebars. When the tension straps got cinched in position it felt extremely sturdy. I still drive it very conservatively (to my 17 year old's chagrin) because I don't want to unnecessarily take chances with my favorite toys, but I felt pretty confident driving with them.

Maybe someone can help with this. I have a 2006 Toyota Tacoma pickup and I am in the market for a standup rack for the bed. I will need something that will accommodate a Voltbike Yukon with 4 inch tires and a Surface Colt. Not interested in removing the front wheel or hanging the bike over the tailgate. Any suggestions appreciated.[/QUOT Try Crags list ,I found a lot of racks cheap .