Shop charges for Stromer activation/registration change?


New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Hi folks,

I just bought a used Stromer ST2s and am really excited about the bike and getting out on the road with it (maybe when it stops snowing?). Unfortunately, my initial experience with the authorized Stromer shop here in town has been less heady. Not only have they been slow to upgrade the (no longer functional) 2G OMNI display to the newer 3G OMNI-C (they've had the bike for almost three full days without providing a single update), they mentioned something about labor charges for updating the bike registration to my name from the previous owner's. Everyone in this forum knows that registering with Stromer is necessary to use the MyStromer app and the bike's cellular connectivity, and from what I understand, only official Stromer dealers can do it, so it seems more than a little extortionate to charge customers for what amounts to a short phone call. Anyone else have this experience when buying or selling a used Stromer or know whether the company has an opinion on LBSs charging customers to change bike registration info with Stromer?
My local Stromer dealer charged me $349 for the upgrade everything included. I dropped the bike off, had lunch, and picked it back up. It was a painless process. I had purchased the bike from them and had complained about the worthless 2G connection on the old OMNI. It worked fine in parts of San Francisco but not my work or home.

Someone on the Dutch Stromer forum posted detailed instructions for the whole process ( and it's not that complicated. If the link doesn't work, google "OMNI C module retrofitten in Stromer van voor 2018"
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Glad you had a good experience. Me, not so much. Any info on an official Stromer position on charging for changing the bike registration?
If I'm reading that correctly, it looks like it's $349 all in (no additional labor charges) to upgrade the OMNI display and NO charge to change the registration. Has this been everyone else's experience when upgrading the OMNI or buying a secondhand Stromer?
UPDATE: Called Contender to ask about the labor charge. They refunded it 100% when I pointed out the Stromer price sheet stated that $349 is inclusive of all shop charges.

Thanks, bluecat! Contender Bicycles, the authorized Stomer dealer here in Salt Lake City, charged me $45 for labor when installing the new OMNI-C upgrade (for a grand total of $400-something). Seem like this does not jive with the document from Stromer...

They did *not* charge me anything for calling Stromer to change the bike registration to my name - though at this point it's been almost a full week with no response from Stromer yet!!!! Is this long response time from Stromer normal or did my LBS do something wrong/jerk me around?
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calling Stromer to change the bike registration to my name - though at this point it's been almost a full week with no response from Stromer yet!!!! Is this long response time from Stromer normal or did my LBS do something wrong/jerk me around?

I'm not aware about the procedure in the (US) stores. At Stromer HQ, they have direct access to the backend. The stores might have a different type of access level - but still in real time. Another way could be having someone on the phone who does it "live". E.g. the store can push an update to your bike using the VIN for selecting your Stromer.
UPDATE: Finally got registered with Stromer on Friday - a week and a half after my LBS called them with the request! This isn't that long in the greater scheme of things, but it felt like forever because I couldn't access the app, lock my bike, or do any of the other fun stuff with a connected ST2s.

Shops in the U.S. don't handle Stromer registration directly. Instead, they have to call Stromer USA in San Diego to register new owners and activate connectivity on their bikes. The manager at the local Stromer dealer here in Salt Lake City, Contender Bicycles, said there are only a handful of full-time employees (three?) at Stromer USA, so registration can take a while and require multiple follow-up calls from the LBS to San Diego. This seems a stupid system to me, but at least it's over and done with now!

I'm not aware about the procedure in the (US) stores. At Stromer HQ, they have direct access to the backend. The stores might have a different type of access level - but still in real time. Another way could be having someone on the phone who does it "live". E.g. the store can push an update to your bike using the VIN for selecting your Stromer.