RideDash EVO SG installation instructions


New Member

I just received the package with RideDash EVO SG display for my new Giant Trance E3 Pro 2021. The display came with no installation instructions.
Can someone send me information or a link to where I can get these installation instructions?
Did you ever have any luck finding any be instructions, I'm in the same situation?!

I recieved a video from the store where I bought the display which was not clear enough for me to install it.
Evantually I found one of the local dealer personal who new how to install the device. it took him five minutes to install and setup the system.
See the attached video. I hope it will help.

The video is too big to add on this post. I f you will send an email address I will send it by Wetransfer.
Thanks for the file, that has helped loads. I think I know what to do now. Much appreciated!
Given there’s no decent instructions online, I’d suggest someone just posts this video to YouTube!

I was interested in the Evo, but the lack of info online makes it hard to know if it’s what I’m after.