

New Member
Now that Bionx is in receivership the obvious question is how to get repairs and parts. My motor has a bad strain gauge sensor so the pedal assist function doesn't work. The local dealers weren't in a position to do that kind of repair even when Bionx was viable, now they just throw up their hands. I know that I'm not the only one who needs or will need help so I'm hoping that someone will come forward as a third party to provide repair services that are beyond the capabilities of the average bicycle mechanic. It seems that there might be a good short term business opportunity for someone. If anyone has any answers please let me know.
I have a 350W Bionx EVO (s) with the same issue - very little from the strain sensor. Not sure we have the settings right but I can't imagine it being anything but a hardware issue. I had it on BII for 15 mins and the shop said no codes, played with the settings with little or no change. It does work but barely. My EVO HB1 (large) was just stolen - and rode like mad (I had it chipped/unlimited). I got this other EVO (s) off craigs, but it's a small, so I fixed it up for my wife and she's riding it using the throttle. Loves it!

So here's my issue - I have 2 chargers, 2 batteries do I put NEW Bionx kit on her Liv bike?? That's the plan now, it's in the shop waiting a DL350W kit from back east. I like the Bionx system and have "spares" - but... warranty, who knows.

BionicShark, kente-

Make sure your torque reaction collars are the proper angle to place axle notch at 90 degrees to the tensioned side of the chain. If you have the wrong collar you might find a dealer on the web who still has a few in stock...


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The axle has a flat side on which the t-collar aligns. There is no other way to install it. The collar y fits into the dropout, the axle notch is pointed down and the wires to the chain-stay. I wish I could play with orientation but that is not possible. The EVO bike was an OEM install. Having said that, the wheel is a new or re-spoked/replaced because it is disc vs rim brake.
Bionic- If your axle has a flat side you have a "P" series motor with a V2 collar. The V3 collar came with the the "D" series. The V2 was also available in many different angles to custom fit any dropout. If your notch already points down then you indeed have another problem with your torque sensor.

Good luck to you and kente (and myself!) with future parts and repairs. It looks like we're all officially orphans now...

517 pages, mostly appendices. Click on "Summary of the sale process" at table of contents to fast forward.


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What a mess. Looks like they packaged the remains of the corporate "s*it" pile and sold it off to 4 bidders. My guess it will evolve into something. But yes in no way business as usual

101. The Accepted Purchasers and the respective Parcel Offers are summarized as follows: (a) Crescent Commercial Corporation: Parcels 8 to 24; (b) 7575289 Canada Inc.: Parcels 2, 3, and 5; and (c) Amego Electric Vehicles Inc.: Parcel 1. 102. Taking the above summary into consideration, the remaining parcels are the following: (a) Parcel 4: Wheels, Rims & Related Components; (b) Parcel 6: Hardware & Accessories; (c) Parcel 7: Miscellaneous Parts & Inventory; (d) Parcels 25-26: Patents;