Rear Brake Squeaking


I've put 852 miles on my Hydra since September when it was delivered. So far I've only had two real issues, the first was simply a lower swingarm pivot bolt was walking itself out and I managed to catch it and torque it back in. Second issue is the rear brake starts squeaking very early into my rides. When I first set off It does not squeak but starts up very shortly after. I usually listen to music when I ride so I have put this problem off thinking it might be the pads and with some miles they would stop but this does not seem to be the case. Rear caliper does not seem to be dragging but it likes to squeak a lot, I thought someone else has had this issue but when I searched the forums nothing came up. I'm open to any ideas or advice from you guys and really appreciate the help.


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first thing to try is use alcohol to clean it pour it on the caliper and disc jhold the brake lightly and pushing it around and rice it again. see if that works. after that we try other things.
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At 852 miles have you inspected the brake pads. These ebikes will eat through some pads. But, yes a squeak is usually some sort of grease on the rotor or pads. Alcohol is the best way to clean that. It can be as little as touching rotors with some dirty hands.
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Think I read a post about a brake fix also. I believe it was the "loosen brake bolts, hold brake lever to align caliper over rotor, tighten bolts, release brake lever" idea.

Great your getting some mileage on it Dunerider. What are max watts on that and how do you feel you're doing learning to manage that power?
Think I read a post about a brake fix also. I believe it was the "loosen brake bolts, hold brake lever to align caliper over rotor, tighten bolts, release brake lever" idea.

Great your getting some mileage on it Dunerider. What are max watts on that and how do you feel you're doing learning to manage that power?

That’s to make sure your calipers are centered and the pads aren’t dragging as the wheel moves.
With the symptoms given, still worth doing just in case one pad is almost dragging when cold, but agre with others - dirty pads/rotors, worn pads or rotors etc.
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I agree - forgot to mention that. After that there was that other post I saw that sounded interesting. And coincidentally I found it.

Hey, do any of you Wattwagoner's front brake make a little 'ticking' sound? It's rather slight but slightly annoying as well. It sounds out when I apply the brake ( just one little tick or click ) and sometimes just hitting a bump. Probably has something to do with the pads but IDK ... yet.
"Late response as I’m just scrolling through old posts and like pics, but I’m assuming you’ve resolved this?
If not, first step is loosen the caliper mounting bolts, move the wheel slowly and depress the brake lever to ‘center’ the caliper around the rotor. Tighten back up.
Then spin the wheel slowly and see if it makes any noises to localize where it may still have some rub. If it’s still making noise, could be a slightly bent rotor, a wheel slightly out of true, …
If floating disc rotors, it’s also possible a combination of the above as well as the floating rotor ‘rivets’ holding the inner/outer disc together may be hitting as they sit slightly proud of the rest - I had to file down my front caliper mounting point slightly when I swapped to floating rotors (non WW but similar enough issue…)."

Edit: What the heck? This is obviously plagerized. (I either forgot to add quotation marks around someone else's writing or the got auto corrected out.) Adding them now.
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What waterbottle setup is that? I got some strap to add a watter bottle mount and it doesn't really work on Hydra's frame.. its like too wide its meant more for a smaller tube. not a wide flat surface. Anyways just wondering.