Radwagon: What bags do you use?

Chris P

New Member
I would love to see what bags everyone uses on their Radwagons, and why you chose that bag. Photos would be great.

Also, if there are any bags that are not compatible with the radwagon, let us know.
I haven't bought a bag yet, but I am thinking about Carsick Designs Radwagon slingset.


G&O Family Cyclery in Seattle (not far from the Rad Power Bikes shop) sells them, so I will be going to take a look once they open up their new shop.
From his instagram, it looks like @mikeradenbaugh uses the carsick designs bags as well. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me!
I went with a BikeSmart DoubleWide Bicycle Bag but have not tried it yet since the snow hit the day after I assembled the RadWagon.

Update: Pretty good fit however the straps are just barely long enough for the install.
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