Radrovers are in and shipping.

Lets start with why I got this bike. Just turned 52, and need to loose weight and get in better shape. I hate to exercise just to exercise. Walking without a point, ugh. Swimming, biking, scenic hiking, sign me up. But silicon valley tech life keeps me pretty busy, and with family and church, not much spare time. So, I have to get to and from work anyway, so a why not get exercise so a bike it is.

I have been watching ebikes for a few years, and here was my criteria. A bike that I can get to work on that will not leave me hot and sweaty in the morning, but I can give a good work out on the way home. Fat tire bike for road (weekdays and trails on weekends). A ROI of less than a year - when the warranty ends - so basically risk free. ROI calculation - save $400 on car insurance due to lower miles on my truck, and at least $150 a month on gas for said truck. Savings $2,200 a year, cost $1499 for bike, want the fenders and racks, lock, gadgets etc and I am at @ $2K. $400 for incidentals etc.

My dear sweet Chief Financial No Officer (CFNO) approved purchase so I placed the order. Ordered on February 27, delivered on March 1. Well boxed and arrived looking pretty good. One strap was missing from the box.

Assembly was very straight forward. Took a few looks at the assembly video, and went to work. Missed that the keys were zip tied to the front brake, throttle cables so will call that out here. Unpackaging and assembly took under 2 hours with interruptions etc.

Once assembled, charged for 4 hours, and then went for a 7 mile ride. Rode over to a buddy's hours who is a true bike guy, had him review my work and got the thumbs up. As a true bike guy, he was PAS 0 was work, its a heavy bike. Found I used PAS1 and 2 the most, 3 occasionally for a break, and 4 and 5 were too easy. All road riding.

Rode to work this morning, 5 miles, literally no sweat (so arrived at work just as if I had driven in). PAS 2 the whole way. Mostly flat, 2 small hills, easy ride. Ride home is where I am going to push to work up a sweat. So far, very impressed. Had a stupid grin on both rides, fun way to get around and a great way to get to work.

So far - I wish the bike had slightly different gearing, mostly using 5, 6, and 7th gears but this is for road rides. Throttle is a kick to use. Purchased a thumb throttle adapter and like it better than just the twist throttle.

My bike buddy was really impressed with build quality and ride. He had a big grin as he gave it a test ride.

4 years ago I spent a lot of time in Denmark for work, and loved the bike culture there. Weekends I rode all over, it was awesome how much and better you could see things.

My 2 rides lead me to predict that eBikes are a thing of the future here in Silicon Valley.
Glad your enjoying your new Rad e.fatty. It's my first venture with e.bikes as well.

I just wish they offered a slower pedaling single speed option. I never shift, always leave mine in 7th gear. Would prefer a 10 tooth rear cog. so I don't have to pedal so fast.

IMO, the slower the rotation, the better the burn. When it starts to overwhelm your legs, hit that button of youth, & keep on truckin' ...
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