RadRover Rear Rack - Top Speed 20mph??


New Member
Two questions I have for everyone.
1. How sturdy is the rack for the Radrover? It is rated for 45lbs.

2. RadPower says the top speed for the Rover is 20mph, has anyone gone over this speed on their Rover?

I did the Topeak Uni Super Tourist Fat tire rack with quick track system (66 lbs capacity for rack). I don't know if the Rad Rack weight limit is for the Rack only, ebike, or both in combination? I never got close to 66 lbs limit with my Topeak MTX Rack bag with fold out panniers. I probably maxed out at 20-25lbs if I add a spare battery, water, tool kit, spare tube, and winter gear in the top bag+side panniers. I also have a commuter back pack I wear with about 15-20 lbs of stuff when I commute (work cloths, lunch, riding gear, electronics).

Don't know if Rad has changed its controller with the 2019 versions? I can adjust my controller up to 40 km/h or 24.8 mph. I usually set my Radrovers to 36 km/h (22 mph) at PAS 3 for my work commutes. I can hover around 18-22 mph depending on incline and head winds. I didn't like having the power cut out at 20 mph when I could maintain 20-22 mph at PAS 3. I can get up to 24-27 mph on some down hill runs if I pedal like crazy. The gear ratios on the Radrover isn't set for speeds +22 mph.

The only major thing I had to do is upgrade my brakes to Spykes TRP and Jagwire MTB cables because of my commuter speeds. The rad brakes were noisy, needed constant adjustments, and had longer emergency stopping distances compared to the Spyke brand. Spyke TRPs are plug-n-play replacements along with the Jagwire cable replacement.
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Thanks for your reply. I like the added capacity of the Topeak, don't know if I'll use it, but I plan on a bike trailer that attaches to the rack. I am considering the Radwagon, but I like the fat tires and the greater maneuverability of a shorter frame.
The Radrover does have twice as much torque with the geared hub at 80nm compared to the Radwagon's direct drive 40 nm rear hub. Extra tq will come in handy if you use a bike trailer.
UNM Alumni Tambien. That is great to know. I do not own an electric bike, but do have an electric head razor!!?
UNM Alumni Tambien. That is great to know. I do not own an electric bike, but do have an electric head razor!!?

ENMU Alumni "Go Greyhounds!" Too bad you are not in the 505. I have two 2016 Radrovers and 2019 Radcity Step Thru you could try before you buy.
Northern Colorado. There is a good ebike shop in Longmont I will go to. I like the price point of the Rads.
My 2019 controller on my Rad Rover definitely cuts out at exactly 20 mph.
You can almost certainly get into the setup on the display and set your max speed to 40 kph (almost 25 mph). Very simple.

I have the Topeak fat tire rack and am very happy with it. I don't think I've ever had more than maybe 20 pounds on.

You can almost certainly get into the setup on the display and set your max speed to 40 kph (almost 25 mph). Very simple.

I have the Topeak fat tire rack and am very happy with it. I don't think I've ever had more than maybe 20 pounds on.


And I did. Turns out my setup was for 28 inch tires, instead of 26, from the "factory". If the "brain" is reading revolutions, doesnt that mean I actually have more miles than indicated on my bike and my speedo was reading lower than true?

It was also dialed down to 32 kph. I brought it up to 40.
My 2016 rovers were set to 26 inch tires in the controller. I never thought about changing it because the rims were 26". I did notice my mph didn't match the school zone radar readers; but, I figured those systems were rounding either up/down for display. Probably put +6000 miles between both rovers with 26" wheel setting.

I didn't think anything about it until I purchased the Rad City Step Thru for my wife and her controller was also set to 26" tires. I've noticed our mph display and odometer didn't match when we would ride together. Putting my rover beside her Radcity, there was a considerable tire height difference (larger circumference with fat tire) compared to the Radcity. Once I set my rovers to 28" tire, everything started matching with her Radcity and radar readers on the streets.
Interesting. Though I dont know why circumference would play into this. You mean overall tire diameter? These are very tall tires, apart from the 26 in wheel size. Maybe I should be at 28?
Interesting. Though I dont know why circumference would play into this. You mean overall tire diameter? These are very tall tires, apart from the 26 in wheel size. Maybe I should be at 28?

That is what I mean. The rim is 26"; but, the high wall fat tires are closer to 28" as measured from around the tread that contacts the ground. That was throwing off my odo reading compared to my wife's Radcity. The Radrover tire height is probably closer to the 27"-29" tire height of other MTB.