Rad City 5 plus / Ottawa ON CA


New Member
Semi-retired senior always loved bicycles, now I have one on steroids! I've already expanded my rides from Elmvale area to Billings and on to hogs Back next. I've added a suspension post and comfier seat. Accessory I'm having most trouble with is a lock. I can't bring myself to leave it unattended period. Yup, that's me at the Metro pick-up spot.


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Looks good. Who did you buy it from?
I bought online from Rad Power Bikes Canada and there was some final assembly required. They screwed up the rear fender install in Thailand, you can still see bikes without the reflector in videos online. I'm surprised I never received a notice about the gaff either, it's pretty obvious once you see it. I laughed out loud when I saw the little rubber hole plugs lower down on the fender but still couldn't orient the reflector correctly. The derailleur (indexing) was off a bit and the disc slightly bent as the box took a hit but easily corrected. I also had a rear break caliper I simply could not centre and it was ticking. I ordered those caliper spacer things from Birzman and it adjusted correctly on the first try. The upsetting thing about the assembly was needing a crowfoot attachment for my old torque wrench, and it was not accurate enough for NM so one of those too, and a stand, and a chain cleaner...


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Thanks, Zoe. Not a hint of buyers' remorse so far... I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to fellow Ottawa members for all the rain. It started almost to the day I finished assembly. Hmmmm, maybe I start a thread about riding in the rain... I just can't see doing that on an electric bike.