quirk on two battery bikes?


Well-Known Member
both my trek and out e tandem were covered to two batteries after I bought it the trek a few months ten tandem 2 years. but both have the same issue if I put both batteries in say the first ride while the nyon is completely off when it boots up it only sees one battery. then if I take a battery out and put it back in it sees both. or if the bike was turned off with both batteries it will turn on even the next day showing both batteries. this is not big deal but I wonder if this was because they did not come setup for two batteries when built or is this normal?
Does it do the same thing when you plug in the charger without the Nyon on the bike?
Do both batteries turn on when you plug it in?

And what happens if you turn it on pressing the button on any of the batteries (with the Nyon on the bike)?
Does it do the same thing when you plug in the charger without the Nyon on the bike?
Do both batteries turn on when you plug it in?

And what happens if you turn it on pressing the button on any of the batteries (with the Nyon on the bike)?
I cant charge the batteries on the bike so never tried that. never tired the battery button. I can try that. I was thinking of jsut taking off and see if the system finds the second battery. but if both batteries are on the biek when I turn it off then it turns on fine and shows both. its only when I put the batteries on the bike when its fully off.
If you are using only one battery, it does not matter in which place it is.
Only for charging the batteries on the bike it makes a difference.
Interesting. Per my experience with Trek & Purion display, the available electrons meter immediately displays the added electrons when I snap in the 2nd battery regardless of the available electrons in the 1st battery.
Interesting. Per my experience with Trek & Purion display, the available electrons meter immediately displays the added electrons when I snap in the 2nd battery regardless of the available electrons in the 1st battery.
I wonder if it could be a nyon thing? it has to boot up so maybe it does not read both? at first?
ok I think its a nyon bug. I put both batteries in turned it on. when it booted it shows one battery like so
but the range looks right for 2 batteries so we ride and I stop and check still shows one battery. so I take one out the nyon aisle ike there is no battery then sees the battery and acts normal put the battery in now both show.
so the motor knows there are two batteries and operates right then nyon display just does not show two batteries if it boots up with two batteries.