Powerful Fat Tire E-bike w/ Torque sensor from Juiced Bikes

June update was their big mistake, due to how it was worded. However, this is the first time they've actually been ready to sell the bike. Believe me, I'm tired of waiting and feeling anxious about this large purchase too.
Ok Dude, thanks for the helpful input. I was trying to use this forum as intended instead of constantly throwing shade.
You guys crack me up, everyone gets pissed at me because I have a legitimate gripe, false advertising. Tora has y'all acting like little kids and I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank, for now. I guarantee everyone out there will feel the same as me about the guy when it's over and done. Holy Grail, what a joke. It's a freaking fat bike with a very available hub motor that goes 30 mph, not a big deal. In a couple months torque sensing will be much more available. He definitely doesn't have the market cornered. He doesn't even have the cooth to tell us the truth about the ocean current deal with American flyer, what's the deal with that Tora? Did you sell out or is that none of the business of the people that backed your company up to get it going?
the only thing about your legitimate gripe... is that you've said your peace... 1 million times. We know who you feel. Thanks for the in put. If you have something about a bike that you own... great! lets talk about it. Otherwise, I think we all can move on.


the only thing about your legitimate gripe... is that you've said your peace... 1 million times. We know who you feel. Thanks for the in put. If you have something about a bike that you own... great! lets talk about it. Otherwise, I think we all can move on.


Let me remind you, We're talking about a bike here that no one owns and the only way you can get anyone's attention is to mention it a million times thank you very much. Good luck.
Has Tora talked about the range of the 21.0Ah HF?

We see 'real word speed runs' but I like to see a 'real world range test'

Website say '50-100 miles'... it is not specified... not sure if it's 'Throttle' 50 mi and 'PAS' 100 mi.
Who cares at this point anything except where their bike is. Now I'm sure every single box they received is being opened and QC'd. at this point for someone to get a bike DOA would probably be their death. I heard shipments started yesterday and almost all pre-orders should be out the door beginning of next week.
so.......has any1 gotten a shipping acknowledgment? or just more bs.
No shipment acknowledgement and I seriously doubt anyone will be getting one anytime soon. They said shipping was to start last Friday, so I'd imagine it will actually start around February.
look i know its more complex but there are lots of people waiting for their Tesla Model 3. Lofty get it now Amazon world we live in now I guess....

Yep I’m in line for a Tesla model 3 as well. I really wonder which I’ll get first, the bike or the car

Find it hard to believe, if they started shipping friday, no one has gotten a notice. Sure would be nice to REALLY know, if delivery before Christmas is a reality. Updating their clients pre orders with a personal company email, is not to much to ask. What do you think, 100 or so that should be in their data base?

Happy a Thanksgiving to all.
Yep I’m in line for a Tesla model 3 as well. I really wonder which I’ll get first, the bike or the car

Find it hard to believe, if they started shipping friday, no one has gotten a notice. Sure would be nice to REALLY know, if delivery before Christmas is a reality. Updating their clients pre orders with a personal company email, is not to much to ask. What do you think, 100 or so that should be in their data base?

Happy a Thanksgiving to all.
Don't think you should even mention this bike in the same sentence as a tesla, not even close. Happy thanksgiving everyone
Agreed but my point is that everyone has supply and manufacturing issues.

Let's call this done and enjoy turkey and mashed potatoes!

I got a tracking number

Scheduled Delivery:

Wednesday, 11/29/2017 , By End of Day

Last Location:

Departed - San Diego, CA, United States, Wednesday, 11/22/2017

Next Scheduled Event: Tuesday,11/28/2017 by 11:59 P.M.

Location Date Local Time Activity
San Diego, CA, United States 11/22/2017 11:47 P.M. Departure Scan
11/22/2017 6:37 P.M. Origin Scan
United States 11/22/2017 12:36 P.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Shipment Category:Package
Shipped/Billed On:11/22/2017
UPS carbon neutral:Yes
Weight:75.00 lbs
I got a tracking number

Scheduled Delivery:

Wednesday, 11/29/2017 , By End of Day

Last Location:

Departed - San Diego, CA, United States, Wednesday, 11/22/2017

Next Scheduled Event: Tuesday,11/28/2017 by 11:59 P.M.

Location Date Local Time Activity
San Diego, CA, United States 11/22/2017 11:47 P.M. Departure Scan
11/22/2017 6:37 P.M. Origin Scan
United States 11/22/2017 12:36 P.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Shipment Category:Package
Shipped/Billed On:11/22/2017
UPS carbon neutral:Yes
Weight:75.00 lbs

Hi, When did you place your order? Thanks
Just curious what kind of feedback do you get from Tesla?

Happy thanksgiving to you As well!


I went in with very little expectations of seeing a car for 2 years. Placed my order in January. I get quarter updates about their progress or lack of it. I can go online and see approximately when my car is schedule to be available. 3months prior to delivery, they will send an email to go in and pick out my options. As on now, it appears 3rd quarter 2018.

Good to see someone received a shipping notification, I ordered in May, so Christmas is still a possibility.