Powerful Fat Tire E-bike w/ Torque sensor from Juiced Bikes

this is what they just emailed me:
"We expect an XL Hyperfat in the next shipment arriving at the end of the month. You will be emailed when they are being shipped to you with the tracking information. "
this is what they just emailed me:
"We expect an XL Hyperfat in the next shipment arriving at the end of the month. You will be emailed when they are being shipped to you with the tracking information. "

Don’t you love how vague that is? I wonder if they meant the January shipment?
I take it to mean the shipment arriving in CA at the end of the month. Then I think they test and ship out to individual customers from there.
I was speculating to a non-founders series batch sometime in the near future.

This isn’t the first time that Juiced has been extremely vague in how they communicate to customers. As to the earlier comment about someone asking about an XL frame, Either they know the answer and can give a definitive yes or no. The other possibility is that they haven’t decided on production numbers for a new batch.

I’m not trying to be overly critical, but the type of answers they give is sometimes comical at best. It’s a lot like earlier this year when they started mentioning shipping HyperFat bikes by air freight. We all knew that was never going to happen, but they mentioned it anyways. It’s such a poor way to manage customer expectations and I hope they do a comprehensive post-mortem analysis to not get themselves in a situation like this again.

Tora has a good formula for making bikes. He’s clearly started to develop a unique product in the market that isn’t just bolting together off the shelf parts. I’ve been a pre-order customer since the beginning and want to see him succeed. He has to start operating his company like a mature business to bring on people to work in operations, customer support, China based Q/A, etc. when I watch the videos of him in China overseeing production, it’s like you know this is not sustainable for one person alone. Anyways enough of me rambling on, the HyperFat will be awesome, but I’ve resigned myself to expect delivery in mid-December.
Cancelled my Hyperfat a little over a month ago and got a bbshd for my old mountain bike with a total of 1.4 kwh of batteries. I have looked back at that decision and am happier than ever.

Best to @Tora Harris and all of you remaining holdouts!
Cancelled my Hyperfat a little over a month ago and got a bbshd for my old mountain bike with a total of 1.4 kwh of batteries. I have looked back at that decision and am happier than ever.

Best to @Tora Harris and all of you remaining holdouts!

Yeah considering this and just buying a damn Luna instead. There's no way this guy is going to make a 2017 delivery date :rolleyes:
While I mostly agree with the above statement there is some truth and merit to Rooster's frustrations that a number of others on here have also experienced. I've been waiting 10 weeks now to receive a 21Ah battery with GPS that Luis told me would take 10 days.
I must say that I've been always responded to and treated fairly. While it has taken longer than expected, which pained me since I'm so excited, I understand that small things can have large delays. Thank you Tora and team for building a great product that I'm excited to ride for a long time to come. I haven't found anything else like it at even close to this price point. This will be my daily commuter and now even the snow won't be a hinderance. Can't wait to get it and start cruising.
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I don't get it TORA? Another F'n propaganda video. How about taking the 5 minutes out of your directing career and sending your customers an email telling them their bike arrived and your plans for readying them for shipment. blah blah blah
I don't get it TORA? Another F'n propaganda video. How about taking the 5 minutes out of your directing career and sending your customers an email telling them their bike arrived and your plans for readying them for shipment. blah blah blah
Smokin, LMFAO