Poor Kalkhoff aftersales service

tom foxe

New Member
I recently bought a 2017 Kalkhoff Derby. Which was great for one week. Then the battery failed, and the charger also seems to be faulty. Having been charged to 60%+, suddenly there are no lights on the charger or the battery pack. Kalkhoff dealers are bike mechanics, not electrical engineers. I can't seem to get my bike mended anywhere in the UK, and places that repair batteries say that Kalkhoff will not supply them with spares or information. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new battery and charger. But I can't buy these online, and Kalkhoff will only supply their own dealers, who don't stock them. Apparently a no. of other makes use a widely-available battery management system, so if I'd bought a different make, I could have had a relatively cheap repair done. If I buy a battery and charger from a kalkhoff dealer, it will cost me at least £700, more than half of what I paid for the bike. E-bike buyers beware, check the availability of spares before buying an e-bike.
I recently bought a 2017 Kalkhoff Derby. Which was great for one week. Then the battery failed, and the charger also seems to be faulty. Having been charged to 60%+, suddenly there are no lights on the charger or the battery pack. Kalkhoff dealers are bike mechanics, not electrical engineers. I can't seem to get my bike mended anywhere in the UK, and places that repair batteries say that Kalkhoff will not supply them with spares or information. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new battery and charger. But I can't buy these online, and Kalkhoff will only supply their own dealers, who don't stock them. Apparently a no. of other makes use a widely-available battery management system, so if I'd bought a different make, I could have had a relatively cheap repair done. If I buy a battery and charger from a kalkhoff dealer, it will cost me at least £700, more than half of what I paid for the bike. E-bike buyers beware, check the availability of spares before buying an e-bike.
While it’s probably true that kalkoff has horrible after sales service you left out important details.

You said you recently purchased a 2017 kalkoff ebike. We are 7 weeks away from 2021 so I assume you purchased a used kalkoff from a private individual correct ? If you did that’s on you and while I don’t know the specs of the the battery kalkoff uses it’s not hard to buy Bosch batteries online at all. Especially in Europe or the UK.
We bought my wife’s Kalkhoff from 50cycles, Bristol in ca 2016; I think 50cycles were the uk retailers for Kalkhoff at the time, sadly not today. They did sell some lightly used (demo?) bikes earlier in the year so they may still have some spares, always worth a try, they have several outlets so you may have to try all of them. Kalkhoff website does have a contact system, never had to use it but expect longer response time’s a/c COVID.

you don’t say which motor but the impulse equipped models were trouble from day 1, with numerous warranty claims and replacements (most of the forum traffic on pedelecs is bad impulse experiences.

my wife has a groove model, front hub motor with battery on the rear rack. the battery looks similar to an Ansmann unit sold in Germany, plus several eBay/AliExpress sellers. I’ve been tempted to get a second battery , just as a safeguard, but I need to do a lot more comparisons.
We are in 2020. Buying a used ebike or even a new one but made several years ago that never had it's battery properly stored only asks for trouble !!
While it’s probably true that kalkoff has horrible after sales service you left out important details.

You said you recently purchased a 2017 kalkoff ebike. We are 7 weeks away from 2021 so I assume you purchased a used kalkoff from a private individual correct ? If you did that’s on you and while I don’t know the specs of the the battery kalkoff uses it’s not hard to buy Bosch batteries online at all. Especially in Europe or the UK.
That's not my experience. All the batteries I've seen online that claim to be for a Kalkhoff Derby, my model, don't have the right connections to match those on my bike. I emailed BMZ who make the batteries for Kalkhoff (and are owned by Kalkhoff) and they said they only supply recognised Kalkhoff dealers, which is pathetic, as no skill is required to charge a battery or to put it on/take it off the bike. It seems I must pay 2 lots of mark-ups, Kalkhoffs and a uk dealer's, plus 2 lots of shipping charges, unless I'm willing to do a round trip of over 100 miles to collect from the nearest dealer. "that's on you" isn't a very helpful remark - are you saying that nobody should expect to be able to buy spares at a reasonable price ? I'm not saying Kalkhoff should be held responsible for faults that happen outside the warranty period. UK battery repairers can fix batteries of other makes, but are prevented from fixing kalkhoff batteries. That's sharp practice, and shouldn't be allowed.
We are in 2020. Buying a used ebike or even a new one but made several years ago that never had it's battery properly stored only asks for trouble !!
We are in 2020. Buying a used ebike or even a new one but made several years ago that never had it's battery properly stored only asks for trouble !!
Dear readers, I would welcome some helpful or well-informed responses. I wrote my piece to warn others, not because I expect to be given free spares for my bike. I have been buying used battery and other electrical appliances for decades, and most of them have been bargains. I understand that I have made a mistake buying an e-bike of this make, but buying used is not necessarily a foolish thing to do.
Dear readers, I would welcome some helpful or well-informed responses. I wrote my piece to warn others, not because I expect to be given free spares for my bike. I have been buying used battery and other electrical appliances for decades, and most of them have been bargains. I understand that I have made a mistake buying an e-bike of this make, but buying used is not necessarily a foolish thing to do.
You are right, it's not foolish. But, experienced eBike owners speak to the question of buying a used eBike with the qualified response that the price of a new battery pack should be calculated into the price. That response nearly shows up weekly here. Research before the purchase is more valuable than complaining about the situation after the purchase. Your title would imply that Kalkhoff did you wrong after you bought from them. I suggest you change the title to something about buying replacement parts from them.
Are you sure your bike model is Kalkhoff Derby? Not wanting to infer you don’t but Kalkhoff are owned by Derby Cycle Werks. I’ve not avidly followed their model range but certainly around the time we bought my wife’s Groove I don’t remember any model named Derby, nor does that appear in their 2017 sales brochure.
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It isn't absolutely clear. I have the service manual with details of the original purchase & seller has written "Select Premium" model. However, on the bike frame it says Kalkhoff and Impulse Evo. But I have used the manufacturer part no. on the battery, which is labelled Derby Cycle, and almost all internet hits come up with a battery which has different connections from mine for the connection to the bike or to the charger. I plan to contact more dealers by phone today. If dealers actually stocked batteries, I could go to one and bring my battery to compare, but they don't stock them - well not the 3 I've spoken to in the UK. I don't want to spend £700 until I'm certain I'm buying a compatible battery.
It isn't absolutely clear. I have the service manual with details of the original purchase & seller has written "Select Premium" model. However, on the bike frame it says Kalkhoff and Impulse Evo. But I have used the manufacturer part no. on the battery, which is labelled Derby Cycle, and almost all internet hits come up with a battery which has different connections from mine for the connection to the bike or to the charger. I plan to contact more dealers by phone today. If dealers actually stocked batteries, I could go to one and bring my battery to compare, but they don't stock them - well not the 3 I've spoken to in the UK. I don't want to spend £700 until I'm certain I'm buying a compatible battery.
Post a picture of the bike please that would help us identify what ebike you have.
Sounds like you have a select premium model with the impulse evo motor and inext battery

Thank you, much appreciated. So Impulse Evo refers to the motor. Have found a few of the right batteries on Ebay Germany but sadly they don't ship to Britain.
This member may be worth contacting, if they are correct ?

only posted 4 times but they may answer a private message
One question on charging, have you tried charging with the battery on the bike and off , assuming there is a different charging connection ? ( on basis that some of these have an off bike charging base)