I recently bought a 2017 Kalkhoff Derby. Which was great for one week. Then the battery failed, and the charger also seems to be faulty. Having been charged to 60%+, suddenly there are no lights on the charger or the battery pack. Kalkhoff dealers are bike mechanics, not electrical engineers. I can't seem to get my bike mended anywhere in the UK, and places that repair batteries say that Kalkhoff will not supply them with spares or information. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new battery and charger. But I can't buy these online, and Kalkhoff will only supply their own dealers, who don't stock them. Apparently a no. of other makes use a widely-available battery management system, so if I'd bought a different make, I could have had a relatively cheap repair done. If I buy a battery and charger from a kalkhoff dealer, it will cost me at least £700, more than half of what I paid for the bike. E-bike buyers beware, check the availability of spares before buying an e-bike.