Placed order for 2 XP eBikes Aug 27th.

Well, no bikes today as FedX tracking number originally provided as the estimated delivery date. I'm posting this update to assists others based on what I learned today from Letric.

Originally, Letric sent me an email with w/tracking number. The tracking number via FedX indicated the shipping label had been sent to FedX by Lectric. Therefore, I have been checking the tracking number to follow shipment, but... This monring I realized there was no way the bikes were going to arrive today because there had been no tracking activity other than the shipping label being sent to FedX, so I called Lectric customer support to see what was up. A very nice fellow answerd the phone, and he was very helpful. He told me this had been an issue between Lectric and FedX for a while. He told me the probelm is that once Lectric sends the shippling label to FedX for pickup to ship, FedX automatically issues an estimated delivery date. One would think that once the shipping label has been sent to FebX, the bikes would be picked up by FedX that afternoon or the lastest, the next day.

The nice fellow informed me that 400 bikes are awaiing pickup by FedX. Ugh! Two of those bikes are ours... 👍 :) This should be good news for others waiting for their bike or bikes. In the end, what the CS representative explained to me that our bikes should be picked up hopefully by this Fri - 9/24/2020. I antisipate they will arrive sometime next week. I feel confident FedX will update the estimated delivery date once they pickup the bikes.

Moral to the story...Until Lectric & FedX resolve this issuse, don't even consider the estimated delivery date from FedX until your order has been picked up by FedX. Regardless, in my particular case, the bikes should still arive within the time I was originally informed they would be actually shipped -5-7 weeks...Just a minor glich in the process that I'm sure they will work out for others in time.
Thanks for this info Fedex finally updated my order to show that updated delivery is next Friday. Got the email from lectric about my shipment this past Sunday. Looking forward to getting my bike
Waiting for mine to update yet, I had my initial label made notice last Sunday as well. I see you're in NY my being in Indiana hopefully it's will show up Friday also. 2 white XP's
The nice fellow informed me that 400 bikes are awaiing pickup by FedX. Ugh! Two of those bikes are ours... 👍 :) This should be good news for others waiting for their bike or bikes. In the end, what the CS representative explained to me that our bikes should be picked up hopefully by this Fri - 9/24/2020. I antisipate they will arrive sometime next week. I feel confident FedX will update the estimated delivery date once they pickup the bikes.

Moral to the story...Until Lectric & FedX resolve this issuse, don't even consider the estimated delivery date from FedX until your order has been picked up by FedX. Regardless, in my particular case, the bikes should still arive within the time I was originally informed they would be actually shipped -5-7 weeks...Just a minor glich in the process that I'm sure they will work out for others in time.

Thanks for that very useful info. I suspect with that many needing pick up by FedX it will take awhile for FedX to. It raises the question of how FedX will actually pick them up, and if they will be picked up in "invoice number order". 400 is a huge volume of boxes, I suspect it would easily overflow a 40 foot semi trailer. If 400 were set next to each other on narrow dimension (18" or 1.5 feet) that would stretch 600 feet long! If they were loaded on pallets they couldn't be packed very densely.
I'de say so, given the 1270 difference in our order numbers, and with only 400 waiting to go out. Sorry! :(
I appreciate that. I can wait just like everyone else I guess. It’s just a little disappointing after getting the “2 weeks” email. I was hoping they were getting caught up again but not yet. Good for them and hopefully for all of us in the long run. From what I see here it’s worth waiting for. This forum certainly helps pass the time.
Today I received my shipping notice for my white step thru ordered on August 14th order number 23298. Yay! If all goes as previous orders, I should have it next week.
Due to an email issue I just now saw the notice that came on the 24th that included the FedEx tracking. According to the tracking info today, it should be delivered tomorrow! Yeeha!!
Due to an email issue I just now saw the notice that came on the 24th that included the FedEx tracking. According to the tracking info today, it should be delivered tomorrow! Yeeha!!

Make sure you check your bike thoroughly after you assembled it. Pay attention to the fork. Mine has a dent, probably due to handling. I called customer service and they sent me a new one right away. The dent is small, never really need to replace the fork but they sent me spare nevertheless.
Make sure you check your bike thoroughly after you assembled it. Pay attention to the fork. Mine has a dent, probably due to handling. I called customer service and they sent me a new one right away. The dent is small, never really need to replace the fork but they sent me spare nevertheless.

Thanks for that info. If it is almost unnoticeable and functionally irrelevant I wouldn't bother. I want Lectric eBikes to be around a long time that just adds to their expenses, and ultimately it will increase the cost of their products.

If a problem surfaces that limits my enjoyment of the bike I won't hesitate to take the steps you suggest.
It arrived today, but rather late so I will unbox it tomorrow and do a thorough inspection and go adjust / setup as necessary. Ordered on August 14, delivered October 1 - 6 weeks.
We ordered ours a couple of days ago, hope all orders have caught up. We are in our 50’s and feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to come soon. Haha
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Both of our bikes arrived on Oct 1, 2020. Kudos to whoever is in charge of packaging. The bikes arrived in great condition. My rear tire was flat on my bike upon arrival. I checked the valve stem to ensure it was tight but still had a slow leak after pumping the tire to the recommended pressure. Lectric sent me a new tube under warranty. Hey, I have no complaints if a bad tube was the only issue we encountered. Lectric has the process dialed in, and FedEx delivered on time with no damage to the boxes or the bikes. Just amazed how all I had to do was unpackage the bikes, unfold, charge the battery, adjust the seat and handlebars, read the manual, check that everything was tight & secured as outlined in the manual, check tire pressure, and then insert the key and go for a test ride.

I learned a few new things that may help others newbies to e-bikes.

1. The battery charger light turns from red to green after completing a full charge. Don't rely on the energy bar to determine the charge level. :cool:
2. This may seem like a no-brainer to some people but I had no idea that that peddle assist and the throttle work separately. Either you have peddle assist or the throttle but not both at the same time. LOL
3. The 5 peddle assist setting options make a huge difference when going up hills. Let the e-bike do the hard work when traversing those big hills. Whew!
4. I'm a big guy at 6'1" 240 lbs. We live in the central Rocky Mountains so we're riding in the mountains a good bit. My bike seems to lose power on long uphill climbs. I can only guess the grade to be around 5 degrees but that's a guess. At times I almost get off the bike but with a great deal of effort on my part, I can keep it going though the going is slow.... I talked to Lectric support about this. They want me to check the amp-hour level on my next ride to see if I may have a battery issue. The voltage doesn't seem to be a concern but the amp-hour level may show the battery is not performing properly. It's been cold the last few days but I'll get out and check this soon. If all is working correctly, I may just need to drop a few pounds and get in better shape or considering selling my bike and getting a more powerful bike for me. My wife's bike does a great job on the hills for her. I'll keep you posted on what I learn.
4. I'm a big guy at 6'1" 240 lbs. We live in the central Rocky Mountains so we're riding in the mountains a good bit. My bike seems to lose power on long uphill climbs. I can only guess the grade to be around 5 degrees but that's a guess. At times I almost get off the bike but with a great deal of effort on my part, I can keep it going though the going is slow.... I talked to Lectric support about this. They want me to check the amp-hour level on my next ride to see if I may have a battery issue. The voltage doesn't seem to be a concern but the amp-hour level may show the battery is not performing properly. It's been cold the last few days but I'll get out and check this soon. If all is working correctly, I may just need to drop a few pounds and get in better shape or considering selling my bike and getting a more powerful bike for me. My wife's bike does a great job on the hills for her. I'll keep you posted on what I learn.
An update from testing the CPU/amp-hour levels under load...I conducted a test ride Saturday. The CPU range was between 16-20 from the base of the climb to home. The climb was on a paved roadway for roughly five miles climbing a total of 761 verticle feet. The climb included level roadway with ups and downs but mostly a steady gentle climb of 761' over five miles. I began the climb with 53.9 volts. By the time I got home, the voltage was down to 43 volts.

I called Lectic the next morning. The rep informed me the bike was performing properly. He also informed me that the battery is considered drained at 40 volts which meant from start to finish I had pretty much drained the battery during a 10-mile ride that included going downhill into town from my home and then climbing back uphill from town to home. I used a peddle assist setting of 5 during the ride.

Therefore, my options appear to either sell the bike and get a more powerful E-bike for me or continue to work on getting into better shape while also losing weight. I informed the Lectic representative that I truly liked the bike except for my experience with going uphill from home to town and back. The maximum rider weight for the bike is listed at 275lbs. I weigh 35 lbs less than the maximum rider weight and I wasn't carrying any additional weight. The overall maximum weight listed for the bike is 330lbs. In reality, with me at 240lbs, one would think the bike should be able to climb 761' over five miles without putting the battery & motor under excessive stress. By about four miles into the ride back uphill, the motor seemed to be cutting out which required a good bit of huffing a puffing while peddling to keep the bike from coming to a complete stop. The rep informed me that what I was experiencing during such a ride was causing the motor to overheat thus causing the motor to shut down. I guess this all makes sense but I informed the rep that they should provide more accurate information regarding rider weight and riding the bike on hilly paved terrain. Since we live in the Central Rocky Mountains, hills come with the territory. The rep suggested I test ride the bike to see how the performance is on flat terrain. I already know the answer to this. The bike performs well but I don't live in a part of the country where the terrain is constantly flat.

In the end, I still feel Lectric as a great bike for under $1,000. Their customer support is excellent and as previously mentioned, My wife loves her bike. If you're a big guy like I am, and if you live in a part of the county that includes riding in the mountains, you may want to consider getting a more powerful E-bike. This is my first experience with an E-bike. I have no idea if a 750w hub would make much difference but as a newbie to E-Bikes, it makes sense that it could. Still learning!