Picking up new Como this week - what's my checklist?

Hi @danfa,
The first thing you should ask the LBS is whether they inflated the tyres on your Como. I'm deadly serious: that's a thing that might be forgotten.

A rear-view mirror is the most important accessory for me. I simply cannot ride without it. The rest of accessories can come later.

Bear in mind to do two things:
  1. Register your Como at the Specialized website.
  2. After having ridden for 100-150 miles (or within 6 months, whichever comes first), revisit the LBS for the "first time warranty service" (you pay for it). This visit has to be recorded/written into the warranty card.
Both actions are necessary for keeping the warranty valid.
My 2021 Specialized warranty does not state that registering the bike is required nor is a 6 month warranty service required to maintain the warranty.