Pedal assist not working


New Member
Dayton Ohio
I purchased a 3000 W fat tire rear hub kit, it didn’t come with the pedal assist sensor so I bought a aftermarket sensor with 12 magnets........ It lights up when I pedal but the motor never kicks in. It’s as if the pedal assist is not turned on. Only works with throttle
Is there a manual that explains how it works? Maybe you need a certain display to turn it on.

On these powerful motors, pedal assist is often pretty crude on the less expensive controllers, like any motion of the pedals takes you to 20 mph.
No manual on the aftermarket pedal assist sensor, And barely any instructions on the hub kit. It has to be something in the display that needs to be program
It's the controller than needs the programming, the display is just a keyboard to make that change.
Yeah I understand that the display is just a way of setting your controller. I just have to figure out what it is I need to cut on or off. I’ve watched several videos on P settings on the display , and C settings on this display. Can’t figure it out? I know the sensor is working because the light comes on every time the magnet passes by when pedaling.
What kit, controller, and display? They're all different, but maybe someone has the same unit.
Aftermarket pedal assistant sensor and magnet


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I have the SW900. Horrible LCD. I don't use it.
Look in your manual. Mine says this.
P10, P11. P12, P13 deal with PAS settings

P10 = 0 Bike runs on PAS only
P10 = 1 Bike runs on throttle only
P10 = 2 Bike uses both.
I have the SW900. Horrible LCD. I don't use it.
Look in your manual. Mine says this.
P10, P11. P12, P13 deal with PAS settings

P10 = 0 Bike runs on PAS only
P10 = 1 Bike runs on throttle only
P10 = 2 Bike uses both.
OK I’ll try that thanks a lot… Will let you guys know how it worked out. again thanks