
Not enough information to provide an answer. What is a vintage electric cafe? Picture? What type of rack does it have? What kind of panniers are you looking for?
There web site shows a really low mount rack. Did you buy their rack or aftermarket? Not sure what is going to work with that low mount, sorry.
My VEB Cafe has the Velo Orange Campeur rack... I'm currently using a Bontrager "city shopper" pannier on one side. (I had a Banjo Brothers canvas with brown leather trim before which I liked, but was just too small in the end...) This one is quite roomy; holds my work clothes and lunch on commutes with space left over. Not 100% waterproof like an Ortleib roll top, but, if I recall, also under $80.
Also depends if you need them to be water proof, need a top rack bag also or just panniers, easy to remove for security, must stay on 24/7, and what is the max capacity you need for worst case.

I also have an Osprey commuter backpack when I work commute. I would go for panniers with more capacity than less. There were times when I needed my commuter backpack, top rack bag, and both side panniers to work commute in winter because it would be in the 20s in the morning and 45-55 degrees by afternoon. Needed the extra space to store 2 sets of riding gear for the temp swing along with my lunch, work cloths, and extra stuff for flats.
I ended up buying these Timbuk2 tandem panniers. They work very nice; good, simple, utilitarian design. Haven't had the chance to test them out in severe weather yet, but those days are not far away.


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