Okay...which one of you did this???

Wasn't me. I lock mine like this guy.


The worst part: When I run bike errands, they're usually to this nearby shopping center. And it has only 3 locking posts for nearly 20 businesses. This !@#%^&* wheel ended up blocking the one shown for over 3 months.
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My S.W.A.G. (Scientific Wild-A$$ Guess) is most thieves still wouldn't be able to figure that out or too weak to lift the ebike.
How do you lock your bike?
See the pics near the top.

That Litelok on its own around the wheel and frame is enough to make someone have to carry the bike. Good for a half hour against an angle grinder and a boxful of discs. Having that kind of peace of mind is well worth the purchase price if you lock up often.
Found this on Reddit:
How do you lock your bike?
2 problems. The cable is easiest to cut. Bolt cutters and time work wonders for a cable lock. The second problem is worse. If you only have the cable lock, then I would’ve fished it under the fence in the background. There is a little gap at the bottom and you can feed the cable lock around the leg.
Using this until the X3 comes in. Half inch hardened steel. Good against bolt cutter, but angle grind can still beat it.
If you stood the bike on its end, how close can you get the lock from the top of the pole?
I’m not sure that gets it any closer, I lock it up by the middle of the bike. I’m sure someone could back a truck up to it, stand on the tailgate and lift it up over the pole but the bike does weigh 50 pounds. The place I lock it up to is very public and I’m in there about 5 minutes or less.
I’m not sure that gets it any closer, I lock it up by the middle of the bike. I’m sure someone could back a truck up to it, stand on the tailgate and lift it up over the pole but the bike does weigh 50 pounds. The place I lock it up to is very public and I’m in there about 5 minutes or less.
Oh yeah, that wouldn’t help much to stand the bike up. I was envisioning the the rear wheel attached to the pole. No one is taking that thing. The mindfulness of time is also important.
2 problems. The cable is easiest to cut. Bolt cutters and time work wonders for a cable lock.
Not the stainless steel 1/2"x6' cable I use. https://www.mcmaster.com/8942T15 $87+freight. Nobody has even tried to cut it in 6 years. Weighs <1/2 of the chain grenseal uses. I've had a tire stabbed twice with a knife or pick by frustrated thieves. I carry 3 tubes, a spare tire, all the required tools. The tool box was stolen once, ~$70, but not the $60 lyzene air pump which is too long to fit in it. Last fall the thief in my back yard stole my $750 lawnmower (8 years old) instead of the bicycle that was locked to two 12' ladders and a carport pole.
A bolt cutter would be ruined cutting 1/2" stainless cable. There is a stainless rated 1/2" cable cutter available, but it is $290 + freight from Cleveland. No thief is going to carry one of those to steal a $2800 bike. Not when everybody else uses U-locks or folding-bar locks. An angle grinder could cut the cable in 40 minutes, but it takes 3 hands to hold the cable stiff against the abrasive wheel. The cable is locked up in the air and will not reach the ground to be stood on. Stainless steel will not turn orange and melt out from the wheel the way carbon steel will. I've cut off stainless 1/2" bolts with a grinder at work; a pita all the way through.
My lock is not as good as grenseal's, but a 1/2" sling eye probably would not fit into the notches in his lock. I use an Abus 92/80 lock with a 12 mm pin that rotates if a grinder wheel is held to it. Another 3 hand job. I would like to know what lock grenseal is using.
I never lock to a pole that is less than 12' tall. The bike+accessories weighs 94 lb. No single flange signposts, minimum 2" square steel box post. Mostly I use electric power poles, live 480 vac conduits or gas meter pipes, or two 1/4"x2" plates (the splice) of a grocery cart rack.
In frequent pedestrian areas I also use a $8 master 5/16" cable lock to secure the power wheel to the frame. Easily cut but the reward is a $500 hub motor which is fairly useless with the wire harness cut. The harness is 6' long and runs to back under the seat.
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They make angle grinder proof locks, they are covered in a compound that destroys the cutting blade.
But, the issue here is actually police indifference and lack of support for civilian action.
They could get half way through it and give up, but then you've got a bust 250 dollar lock, and if you patch it up and use it again, they'll get it the next day.

An army of untouchable, feral youths operate in the western world.

Any attempt to tackle them could cost you everything, they just stand there daring people to intervene.
That is why, I also use 4 HD padlocks, one for each wheel and on the pedal ring gear, all snapped thru holes in the brake disc slots and peddle slots, and the last one is snapped around the top and bottom chain about in the center of the chain, but not around the chain stay.
Then the 10' 1/2" SS cable is threaded thru all the major parts and around power pole or tree. Also have bright colored plastic safety cables to remind me, to remove all the locks.
Since I know that my bike weighs in at just about 100#, it's not being wheeled/rode away, it will have to be carried away.
So yesterday, I went dowtown Montreal for a quick 25-30 minutes hearcut.

This was done with a hand saw, in broad daylight, in a park facing a community Police Station. The nerve of those people.

Well, it's a bummer to have to buy a new lock but hey! I still have my ebike.;)

A good lock is a good investment this guys says.


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