Nuvinci Harmony H-Sync on Mustache Lundi 26


New Member

Before, I must explain the background. I have one Decathlon Elops 940e (Shimano mid-motor), I bought it some months ago, and I use it for 900km and counting. However, I'm having some problems with the gears and the bike isn't comfortable for the long run. The main reason that leads me to purchase that bike was the theft-insurance, which no other bike offer (maybe Vanmoof...).

I'm already looking for my next bike. The best bike that I found was the [Mustache Lundi 26], I like the design and the price are ok (not expensive like R&M, which I can't convince myself).

None of the versions of Lundi 26 offers Nuvinci Harmony H-Sync. The closest is the Lundi 26.2, which has Nuvinci N330, but it's incompatible with the Harmony.

My question is:

It's possible (and easy) to "upgrade" the Mustache Lundi 26.1? I guess it'll need to change the gears (for N360 or N380), add the Harmony and replace the wheels/rim (the original are 32 holes, I don't find any N360/N380 for that size).

That "upgrade" is possible and viable? Or I should look for another bicycle, which has the Harmony H-Sync out-of-box?

I don't know if "Parts and Accessories" is the right category for that thread. :\
Last I heard the Harmony auto shifter wasn't being sold as a kit. Sold to OEM's only. If you have a vendor, great, but there were software problems & updates discussed 18 months ago and having dealer service would have been invaluable at that time. I'd say find a bike with the right system out of the box is the best plan. Getting to the dealer is the next hurdle. I'd say the nearest one to me is NYC - or is LA closer? You're in Lisbon; distances between major cities in Europe are closer and the trains are faster. Best of luck.
I sent some couple of emails to Mustache, but they never replied any emails. I went to one of the closest bike shop, which sells Mustache and is one of "R&M Experience Store". The bike shop also say that they have problems to contact Mustache and can't sell the Mustache Lundi with H-Sync, also that changes violates the warranty.

However, the seller sugested to wait the new 2020 model, which will be apresented at EuroBike Show. I hope that Mustache offer some new version with automatic shift. If not, I think I'll go with the "Peugeot eC01 - Automatique", which includes H-Sync. Making changes on the Mustache Lundi seems a big trouble.