No Vindictive Biases, Thank You


Active Member
Among all its favorable assets in keeping the public informed, the Internet can also show a downside when someone starts to spew false information. It has become popular lately to advance one's own status by slandering others, and a good person can be forever and erroneously vilified in this way. In the meantime the lies will cause a wider amount of harm, and the character of a person that has been victimized by such slander may never again fully recover the respect of which they were so viciously robbed.

Such is the case recently by one biased individual publishing YouTube videos to spread his biases and to slander the otherwise honest intentions of a couple of businesses. In the process he also willfully advocates the breaking of standards that were set in place to allow everyone the free access to public facilities for pedestrians. This YouTube account's pitifully few number of subscribers indicates this is not a place where informed viewers would gather in hopes to further their knowledge.

The lie is that the hub motor RAD Power Bikes uses on their Rovers will not climb hills off road. This he says in an effort to emphasize the benefits of a mid-drive power unit he ordered from Luna Cycles. He overlays a line of text in the video that says hub motors can only be used for climbing paved roads. One has to wonder why he places so much emphasis on criticizing RAD Power Bikes products when there are so many other companies currently selling this product, including the several versions from Luna Cycles.

I can say with authority that I ride a RPB Rover equipped with the hub motor on a near daily basis and repeatedly climb mountains with very rough terrain successfully, so obviously the person has never even tried to do what he claims can't be done. He only shows hard flat surface in this video for his own riding, claiming that the mid-drive kit he purchased from Luna is the best available and is the only one that will climb hills off-road. Fact is, Eric at Luna also sells the hub motors and would likely never endorse any claim that hub motors cannot be used for all types of riding.

He further tries to implicate that Eric at Luna Cycles does not condone the use of any hub mounted motors and instead only endorses the use of mid-drive motor, but if you watch the Electric Bike Review that dedicates an hour interview with Eric at Luna Cycles, you can plainly see that he 100% advocates that all bike companies do well with their products, and not just his own.

There has been a significant effort by bicycling groups to standardize the regulations overseeing the use of bicycles in public. Their efforts have been significant in also limiting universally the amount of power that an electric bike can have before requiring the extra expenses of getting it licensed and insured. This is a great accomplishment so that very many people can now freely use the public access paths that provide safety instead of taking the risks of riding their bicycles amidst vehicle traffic on streets and hiways. Unfortunately the incorrigibles only advocate circumventing the progress made in this regard and if allowed to continue will ultimately help bring back necessary legislation and the fees that pay for monitoring the public use of e-bikes just to keep everyone safe and riding legally.

BTW There are legitimate reasons for riders to prefer a mid-drive over a hub, but our genius never mentions them.